Thursday, April 24, 2008

My My, How Can I Resist You

Nadine has published her account of our visit to Mamma Mia last night. It is, I admit, true that we were both on our feet at the end, bones-a-creaking and bopping in the aisles with the best of them. I have to admit that after ten minutes of the show I wasn't too impressed, thinking that the plot was so thin, it made Calista Flockhart look meaty. But once it got going it was hugely enjoyable. I haven't seen anything as camp since I last walked past the row of tents on Parliament Square. A great evening's entertainment.


  1. I'm absolutely appalled. You'll be joining the Women's Institute next.

  2. Looks like fun. My own ABBA faourites are 'Dancing Queen' and 'Fernando'.

    BTW - Can you find out what Nadine Dorrie's secret is? She mentions it on the blog entry above her 'Mamma Mia' one. I absolutely hate it when someone says 'I've got a secret but I'm not telling you'.

  3. If you like Abba, go and see Bjorn Again. One of the best concerts I have ever been to. They do a very polished show with lots of humour and superb renditions of the songs. It is certainly camp - a lot of people dress up and sing along - and it's like a party. Five Star.

    Glad you got your seats in spite of the terrible theft from your car. (Who pulled strings, you or Nadine?)

  4. Nadine has morphed into the fairy godmother of the centre-right bloggers (or taken over the mantle from you know who). What with the 'Tory Abba Fan Club' with our very own Dale and her friendly rivalry with Dizzy the Evertonian.

  5. It strikes me as odd that you've only just gone to see this as a card carrying homosexual.

    Though I have visions of your dancing resembling something from a bad wedding!

  6. Did you know Alan Partridge in your Norfolk days?

  7. Come on Dale Boy, keep up.

    Tory lead over Labour hits 21-year high tipping point shocker says Torygraph

  8. This is very depressing. I realise I have no choice in the matter, but I really, and I mean REALLY, don't want to be of the same species that finds this crap entertaining. You'll be going to 'We will Rock You' next.

    I speak as someone who finds "The Ring" a little bit low-brow.

    Rush-is-Right BMus

  9. Did they do "Dum dum diddle, your Darling fiddle"? It would have been highly topical...

  10. Rush-is-a-Right-Prick said ... "I speak as someone who finds "The Ring" a little bit low-brow."

    Pretentious? Moi?

  11. Anon, I meant by comparison with Parsifal.
