Wednesday, April 09, 2008

More Readers' Comments from the Sex Survey


"My sense is that there is much more gay sex in politics (especially among Tories)-- often involving researchers, political advisers and lobbyists, than there is straight sex. Am I right -- or just jealous - although those are not mutually exclusive categories."

"You never asked if we'd slept with any, ahem, prominent bloggers..."

"I am Labour but Tory men are sexier."

"I'm strangely drawn to Nadine Dorries, although I'm the same age as her oldest daughter! Just kidding. But I do enjoy her blog. Attractive female MPs with outspoken blogs can be quite sexy though."


"As far as Clegg's admission goes, I am pretty uninterested. However, I think that there is one question that does need to be answered: of those thirty or so women, Nick, were any of them sober or, indeed, conscious at the time?"


"It has long been my practice to cast my vote for the candidate who offers personal attention and delivery of the services I seek. Should Caroline Flint or Julia Goldsworthy wish to demonstrate their personal services (without prejudice of course)I would be happy to arrange an appointment. Obviously my vote would go to the one able to offer continued service after voting. In the event of a busy schedule I may (subject to prior consultation and agreement) accept occasional substitutions by at least equally talented friends of the successful vote seeker. Naturally any incurred expenses (hotel, etc.) would have to be met by the political party offering the services of the vote seeker. Good luck girls!"

"In my experience, Conservatives are more 'professional' in bed, whereas those on the left are distinctly more passionate. Conservatives are more difficult (standoffish/choosy) to get in to bed from the outset, but once the rubicon has been crossed, there is no limit activity, whereas those on the left are less prudish and more open to different sorts of partners, but draw a line in activities and frequency once a relationship has been established. Sleeping with people of a radically different political persuasion is more fun for the first few weeks, but doomed in the long-term. Sleeping with people of a similar political persuasion is less electric in the first-instance, but allows for a more rounded relationship in the long-term. Not much of an insight, but true, I think."


"Working as young researcher in the Commons, (as it happens at the height of the Back to Basics era), I had to take large group of very attractive female sixth formers around the Palace of Westminster. Lowly though I was, the aphrodisac effect of 'power' was tangible, and you could cut the sexual tension with a knife.... and that's all I'd better say! The party conferences are obviously the archetypal arena for all sorts of liaisons. I've been to conferences of all political hues and straw polls with colleagues suggest that the Conservatives have a better selection than the others, combined with an 'aptitude' as good or possibly better than the others. It's not all fleeting moments either - I have met three former girlfriends while down at the seaside - one was a Labour actvist who was clearly turned on by the idea of being seduced by a Tory at a Labour Party conference! I'm told however that for sheer volume of promiscuity and illicit conference affairs the political conferences are beaten hands down by the teachers - specifically the NUT. "

"Bloggers tend to be politicians too good looking for Parliament."

"Never slept with an MP - but years ago I did sleep with my Tory MP's daughter.... Fond memories!"

"I slept with 5 different people at the Blackpool party conference this year. Both men and women. I also once received a **** *** in our association office."

"Isn't having sex with an MP against the law? I thought trans-species nookie was forbidden."

"I once had sex on top of Robin Cook - a guy I had a one-night stand with had a flat in the same apartment block, I hasten to add..."

"You're totally right about the politics and sex thing. At uni, the members of the Labour Club and the Conservative Future society were notorious for rutting like rabbits. Indeed, owing to the unusually high levels of bisexuality in CF, a spider chart could be created linking the names of just about everyone in the society (with the lines drawn between people who had slept together). I still have that chart, and it contains a couple of 'known names'..."


  1. Woo my comment got put on. Not saying which one though ;P

  2. Damn, I was going to try to think of something incredibly witty/revealing to say, having worked at Westminster for 6 years, but then my husband decided to look over my shoulder so I had to hurriedly click 'submit' before I could get anything down! And now the moment has definitely gone, except to say Iain I doubt my choices will get into any top ten you'll be publishing! Ahh well!

  3. WTF has gone wrong with this site? Has the car & the sex survey gone to your head?

  4. Dude. Are you for real with this post?

  5. I'm glad you thought my comments were worth sharing with the world :)

  6. The problem with perverts like you and myself is that we commonly make the mistake in thinking that every one is as pervy as we are.

    In my experience many women are more perverted then men. However this still leaves a majority of the public, I guess about 50-65%, that are fundamentally undersexed to the point of relative disinterest.

    Just thought I should mention this perceived fact. Because it is unfortunately true as many straight oversexed perverts such as my self will testify.

    A slight majority of people are just plane BORING. Many of the rest can not even get it up after 3-4 pints. Or in the females case, are having a 'womens problem' for about 1 week out of 4.

    In my vast experience I must say that politically motivated people from either the left or the right are far more highly sexed then the average. Why this is the case would be an interesting subject for more in depth research.

    I believe it is a love or obsession with power, especially over other people. Politics is the favorite home of the sociopath.

    When not being the favorite palace for the sadistically minded psychopathic despot. Gordon Brown of course being a perfect example of the former wanting and failing so much to be the later, he cant even sleep at nights.

    Atlas shrugged

  7. As Iain is about the same age as me I can tell you that cars and sex are important to us 40 somethings. Gone are the days when you had to settle for whatever cheap model with torn upholstery you could get your hands on. Now we look carefully for something classy to be seen with, decent leather and reliable enough to keep in the garage for years.

  8. "Indeed, owing to the unusually high levels of bisexuality in CF, a spider chart could be created linking the names of just about everyone in the society"

    Ever heard of HIV?

  9. ta for putting my comment in Iain

  10. On the subject of sex and power, there was interesting study on Hitler's sexuality, which included interviews with people who knew him (including his doctor). The conclusion was that Hilter was largely A-sexual in later life, but that it was probable that in his earlier life, he enjoyed using sex to humiliate others! THere were persistent rumours that he was either gay or bi, but these are mostly unfounded - although there were gay NAZIs who Hilter had murdered.

    These days, instead of trying to build a thousand-year reich, he would probably just go to an S&M club, and get his kicks there.

  11. Explanation for high rate of homosexuality in politics.
    I hate homophobia but I will now explain my theory.
    Politics like acting is a profession where social skills are important. It is a biological fact that as a generilisation women and gay men have better social skills, than heterosexual men. This is to do with the index finger ratio theory. The testosterone male brain causes Men to lack social skils, and in comparision to women be better on strategic planning and maths. Women tend to be better at social skills and english. This is also true in general for gay men.
    The male brain is in 3 quarters of men and the female brain is in 3 quarters of women.
    Links to homosexuality have been found between those men who have a female brain and women who have male brain. These are just generelisations by the way.
    The social bias in society toward men combined with the fact that politics is a social game, is in my view is why politics "should" have so many gay men. The ideal in politics is to be a man with a women's social brain. As charimsa is the most important factor to many people in politics as it is in acting. Yet women are still discriminated against by society in general for leadership roles.

    I have never seen charisma as important. But perhaps the social aspects of politics are what makes it so useful for gay men. Plus the fact that being outwardly gay is let's face still politically damaging means closet gay men would surely have a far higher ratio on politics than in real life.
    By the way these are all generlisations. It is possible to be male to have a male brain but to be gay. Etc: These are all generlisations.

    What it does show is the their probably are not that many lesbians in politcis as they would have the disadvantage in terms of social status of being women but the mental burden of a socially poor male brain. I bet there are hardly any lesbians in politics. Am I right?

  12. 10:03 Hitler had affairs with other men's wives, and he had an affair a with a 16 year old when he was in his late thirties. Which is a pretty bad show.
    He was not asexual. I think some politicians like to claim Hitler was asexual so they can claim that if the most evil politican of the last century was asexual then their adulterous or sexually abusive actions show they are trustworthy. In reality Hitler was a sexually pretty bad, and that is even if you ignore the paedophile allegations about him. Stalin was also a rapist, as was chariman Mao, and Atilla the HUN and Ivan the terrible were hardly nice guys. Evil men often become evil leaders.

    As for this asexual stuff.
    I doubt that are that many asexual people. Just virgins who find it diffcult to get off with people Or people who have medical problems.

  13. 10 April 2008, 11:57:00 | dirty european socialist

    The research I have seen on this indicates that men with “female” wired brains tend to end up in occupations traditionally associated with women, ie Nursing. [social skills, caring]

    And women with “male” wired brains tend to end up in occupations traditionally associated with men, ie engineering. [spatial skills, geometry, math]

    I have seen no evidence to suggest that this phenomenon is related to homosexuality, either in men or in women. If you know of any evidence suggesting this then please point to it.

    The other factor is this. Whilst there is undoubtedly a difference between “male” and “female” brain patterns the significant factor is that it is consistent across age and culture. The actual difference is quite marginal. It means that each has an “edge” over the other in their own field, not that the other is significantly “inferior”.

  14. 11:57 I thought this was prooven by these sort of reports.

    And I only say this as a generlisation not as an absolute.
    There are many gay men with the male brain. And many heterosexual men women with the female brain. But it does seem that politics and acting does contain more gay people. It does figure in my view, that as areas where charisma and social ability is key. Socialising, interviews, debates, keeping people on your side, female skills. I am just saying this as a theory that maybe if you think about it a man with female brain would have a double advantage. The social status, and physique of a man with the social ability of women.

    If this theory is true then gay men should be the best performers in parliamentary debates. This is just a theory. But I think it does stand up to scrutiny. This is why it is not surprising so many of our PM's have been gay. William Pitt the greatest one was in some people's view gay. .

  15. Ah! DES. You are talking about the supposed link between finger length and sexual orientation whereby it is suggested that the level of sex hormones in the womb influence both in tandem. Frankly, I don’t buy this; as the report says “it is speculation”.

    As far as I am aware, there is no link between this and male/female brain patterns, viz, the “male” brain where processing on any specific task is focussed in highly concentrated areas and the “female” brain which uses distributed processing over a much larger area of the brain AND crucially BOTH sides of the brain.

    It is thought that women’s ability at social skills [and multi-tasking] are derived from their use of both sides of the brain and men’s edge at spatial skills are a function of specialised/focussed processing. I would add that this does not mean that the other cannot perform other tasks, just that [on average] they find it a shade more difficult.

    Again to reiterate, I know of no statistical evidence to suggest that “brain type” is related to sexual orientation.
