Saturday, April 19, 2008

Mirror Poll Gives Tories Ten Point Lead

The Sunday Mirror has a Populus poll tomorrow. Populus always seem to rate the Conservatives lower than other pollsters, so I am quite encouraged by this result...

Conservative 40 +1
Lab 30 -3
LibDem 19 +2

This would be enough for a 25 seat majority. An equally interesting finding is that 52% expect their house value to fall over the next twelve months, with only 16% expecting a rise. has more HERE.


  1. Would you like to comment on James Gray Iain?

    Or will you be claiming the 'Conway Amendement'

  2. I think that is a good solid poll Iain. You will recall it was Goofy Gordon`s Polling in the marginals that caused him to chicken out of his best shot at a victory.

    I `d like to know how they look

  3. Anonymous, can't really see what the story is on that one. Sorry to disappoint. However, if you had asked the same question this time last week on the Mail on Sunday's story regarding him employing his girlfriend you might have got an altogether different answer.

  4. i agree with iain, it's a non story. so he gets his son a non paid job abroad, that hasn't cost the taxpayer anything, and goes out there on a trip that he would have been going on anyway?

    clutching at straws springs to mind...

  5. The Mirror are loyal to the Scottish Raj - McLabour, so you can be sure that if they are saying 10 points than in reality it will be an even larger lead.

  6. So what do you think about that, "Toilets"?

  7. This poll is good news of course, but we need a bigger majority for the changes needed when we take office, e.g. taking our country back from Brussels, large scale rolling back of the nanny state, etc. Some of them will be unpopular initially so difficult to introduce with a Major-size majority. And without them, any Conservative government will simply drift for four or five years, and then be voted out at the next election. Sometimes that worries me even more than another term for McLiebour.

  8. Maybe it was this sentence from the Mail report that Anon 10.31 pm was getting at:

    "The MP, 53, has set up home with mistress Philippa Mayo, 45, and sparked more controversy by putting her on the public payroll as his diary secretary."

  9. Iain

    You are too old a hand to get over excited I’m sure.

    I seem to remember a Government that was on the ropes, lagging massively in the opinion polls with a new Prime Minister under attack from members of his own party. This new PM followed a Prime Minister of the same party who had been in office for more than a decade and the new resident of Number 10 was being unfavourably compared with his predecessor. The general expectation was that the “time for a change” imperative combined with the new PM’s apparent bungling would ensure that the opposition would triumph in the next election which was only a couple of years away.

    Now what was the PM’s name – Major wasn’t it? And didn’t he just confound the experts and get himself re-elected? I do believe that he did. And might Gordon do the same? Do you know I think that he just might!

  10. Paddy Briggs. The big difference between John Major and Gordon Brown is that David Cameron isn't going to go to Sheffield and start shouting "weeeralllright!"

    That was when the polls turned - people saw Kinnock for what he was, and decided better the grey man they (sort of) knew than the untested ginger fruit-cake they didn't!

  11. John Major was more competent by several orders of magnitude than Brown.

  12. 'John Major was more competent by several orders of magnitude than Brown'

    ...and by the same margin had significantly more integrity.

  13. IIRC John Major's arrival improved rather than worsened his party's poll position, and was seen to have been the result of some sort of election. He was also justifiably regarded as competent, which nobody would seriously claim of the retarded vibrating Scawtush moron Broon.

    Finally, Major did not pluck big green bawgiez oot of hez nooz and eat them on national television. So far, Broon remains the only snotgobbling PM.

    Has Broon been bigging up Britishness in Scotland lately? Just wondering.

  14. Who the hell make up the 16%? I want names and numbers, people that stupid could be persuaded to buy anything!

  15. "Who the hell make up the 16%? I want names and numbers, people that stupid could be persuaded to buy anything!"

    They are called Optimists.
