Thursday, April 17, 2008

Labour MP is Rumoured to Have Died

Rumour is that a senior and much respected Labour MP has died tonight. I am not going to name the MP concerned as I only have it from one (albeit previously reliable) source. More later...


  1. Your source wouldn't be Alex (Thatcher is Dead) Hilton then?

  2. Indeed not. But having seen his experience I dont intend to name the MP until I am certain.

  3. You are right Iain, a Labour MP has died tonight. It is very sad indeed as they were a great character and parliamentarian. You are also right not to publish their name until you have confirmation.

  4. Could this be why This Week has been cancelled? They just described a "change to the scheduling" before it was due to begin on BBC1.

  5. Who is he then.
    I hope it is not one of the good ones.
    I agree all deaths are bad.
    I hope it is not of the heros of parliament.

  6. BBC confirming the story and naming names!

  7. It's Gwyneth Dunwoody - very sad - great Parliamentarian and lovely person

  8. Another good 'un bites the dust and we are the poorer for her departure.
