Monday, April 07, 2008

Ken Hides One of His Faces

Spotted getting off the tube at St James's Park: Ken Livingstone, with a scarf wrapped around so much of his face it looked as if he was wearing a Burka. Surely not scared of being recognised by the Great Unwashed, Ken? You used to bask in their adolation. No longer, it seems


  1. Perhaps Ken wanted to make sure than no-one could smell his breath...

  2. Meeowww! For that headline and that post, you are going to get a little bowl of cream.

  3. I spotted Ken in the Cafe Nero in Parliament Square once. He look strangely harrassed...

  4. But Iain, according to his new PPB, Ken rides the tube like a normal person, reads the paper, and is politely recognised by passers-by.

  5. i just had a quick look at the PoliticsHome website, and ohh my god who designed that thing? have they never heard of making pages compatible with ALL browsers?

    i use Opera Browser, and PoliticsHome looks like a steaming pile of dog poo.

    i wonder how it looks in FireFox? what's the betting it'll look perfect in Microsoft's poor excuse for a browser?

  6. I once saw Ken with his face covered alighting from a Central Line train on a Friday night a few months back. However, with his massive bodyguard and newt-esque eyes peering out from under the scarf,it had the effect of making him look like a shifty cat burglar and drawing attention upon himself. Even the somewhat intoxicated revellers were pointing and laughing at him...

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. So, the big news today is that someone has seen Ken wearing a scarf, riding the tube.

    I've seen him doing both over the past few years loads - do you think I should start a blog to inform people of this Iain?

  9. He hid his face well on Sunday's Olympic Torch Parade, but he's put a full write up on the
    GLA website

    It all seems to have gone off very well!

  10. Twig said...
    "He hid his face well on Sunday's Olympic Torch Parade, but he's put a full write up on the
    GLA website."

    1. Livingstone was prominent at the finale of the Torch parade at Greenwich (see e.g. BBC News24).

    2. The press release you link to is from the Greater London Assembly which is not controlled by Livingstone. He did not issue the press release and his name is not mentioned in it.

  11. Livingstone does not travel on the Tube. He has about three doppelgangers - like Saddam. He's usually too pissed to walk, anyway.

  12. I am not a Livingstone supporter - I actively campaign for one of his opponents - but I do know for certain that:

    A/ Ken doesn’t have bodyguards
    B/ He uses the Tube on a daily basis

    People shouldn't spoil the chance to get him out by making wild accusations that are patently not true.

    Oh and anon at 9.05. The press release is from the Greater London AUTHORITY - and Ken is very much in control of it!
