Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Ken Asks Chavez to Fund Free Travel for IllegalImmigrants

I've just been told that at a Mayoral debate tonight, Ken Livingstone has said that he will ask Hugo Chavez to fund free travel for asylum seekers and illegal immigrants on public transport.

Well, it's a uniquely innovative way to win votes, I suppose...

UPDATE: The Spectator Coffee House shows how Ken lied last night on Newsnight about not knowing who his donors were.


  1. Well what's Livingstone going to do if Chavez says no? Will he be asking the IRA to chip in?


  3. Won't illegal immigrants have to apply for a bus pass saying that they're illegal immigrants? Ah! I think I've just spotted the problem!

  4. Seems to me the idea of free travel for refugees and asylum seekers and I suppose some form of registered "subject to detention" people - and indeed job seekers and ultra poor - is not a bad one.

    I would have thought the emotive term "Illegal Immigrants" would not actually be a factual description of those likely to take this up.

    It would actually save the Home Office and others from subbing the travel at full cost too, and also people missing signing appointments etc because they don't have £4 for a tube or £2 for a bus or whatever.

    If there is no way to do this with recourse to UK public funds then finding some way to have it sponsored seems like a reasonable work round.

    Seems ridiculous to me that those seeking work don't get any sort of concession on most public transport. Ridiculous in fact. JSA is not enough to fund anyone to "get on their bike and look for work".

  5. Chris Paul is there no level of toadying you won't stoop to?
    Must you agree with every moronic statement by every political figure who happens to have a rosette in a colour you favour?

    You are like a football fan who cannot tolerate even a hint of criticsm of his favourite team. Always being robbed by the ref.

    just for once look at it objectively. No really, just try it..

    "David Cameron invites Robert Mugabe to fund soldiers and airmen coming back from the wars to have free beer in pubs."

    Now run your argument substituting Soldier for refugee and beer for travel.. well go on then.
    OK let me help you.

    Seems to me the idea of free BEER for SOLDIERS and SAILORS and I suppose some form of MILITARY PERSONNEL - and indeed AIRMEN and PRIVATE SECURITY PEOPLE - is not a bad one.

    I would have thought the emotive term "SOLDIER" would not actually be a factual description of those likely to take this up.

    It would actually save the Home Office and others from subbing the BEER at full cost too, and also people missing drinking appointments etc because they don't have £4 for a PINT or £2 for a J2O or whatever.

    If there is no way to do this with recourse to UK public funds then finding some way to have it sponsored seems like a reasonable work round.

    Seems ridiculous to me that those seeking solace from the horrors of war don't get any sort of concession in most pubs. Ridiculous in fact. JSA is not enough to fund anyone to "Buy everyone a round."

  6. Is there a stage beyond corrupt in describing Red Ken?

  7. Venezuela gdp per head: $12.800
    London gdp per head: $47.800

    For a Commie, Ken hates poor people doesn't he.

  8. I'm wholely in favour of this. Chavez buys tickets for illegals and asylum seekers to be transported back whence they came.

    I like it.

  9. "Seems to me the idea of free travel for refugees and asylum not a bad one."

    There's a surprise.

  10. I was at the Mayoral debate last night. The audience was made up of a mixture of faith and voluntary help groups and union representatives from 'London Citizens'. The TGWU were there in force at the entrance telling everyone that Boris was a rascist, there were about 30 Boris helpers, about 10 Ken helpers, couldn't see or hear any Lib Dem or Green helpers. All four candidates did very well. Paddick's public speaking is getting better. The Green candidate reminded everyone that she was on the list for the Assembly elections. Ken said Yes to every proposal made by 'London Citizens'. Boris said Yes to pretty much everything but was brave enought to say No a couple of their proposals. Unsuprisingly there were a number of boos for Boris from the unions at the beginning but by the end Boris had earned the respect of the audience so much so that he won the loudest cheers for his 2 minute closing speech. It took him about half an hour to get through the audience with everyone wanting to have their photo taking with him from West Indian Faith Groups to the children from Primary Schools around London. If he can get a reception like this from the groups that make up 'London Citizens' then the Mayoralty is his for the taking.

  11. Wht doesn't Ken get dodgy property developers to pay for the asylum seekers' rail passes? He could then cut out the middleman.

  12. I have just spent an hour or so handing out "Back Boris" oyster card holders outside Bank tube station. In all my years of campaigning, I have never seen such a positive response for a candidate. The card holders flew out of my (and the other volunteers')hands so fast we had to call to HQ for additional supplies. I realise that the centre of the City is not exactly enemy territory for Boris, but I still got the strong feeling that he is a popular front runner. After 11 years in the political wilderness, on 1 May Boris will show that the Conservatives are back.

  13. Vote Ken!!! He says me and my fans get use underground and bus and always London is paying for it! I think England great place, never want to go home!

    Sorry for bad english, I not get out enough no more.

    Abu, Belmarsh. (hope soon free like ticket).

    P.s. Who this Chav guy anyway?

  14. Ken asked for oil money for the poor of London. Good for London people. What is wrong with the London mayor helping Londoners. The tories must really hate londoners.

  15. What is wrong with the London mayor helping Londoners. The tories must really hate londoners.

    We Tories are of the controversial opinion, that what transfers of wealth there are, should be from the wealthier to the less wealthy.

    Terrible I know, but we are evil.

    Venezuelan oil belongs to Venezuelans. Its not Chavez's to use to help his friends.

    If you really think that the UK should accept charity from a country much poorer than itself, then you are a moral vacuum.......Sorry what am I saying you are a socialist.

  16. Bill Quango writes: "Chris Paul is there no level of toadying you won't stoop to?"

    Why should there be? He's a raving communist, just like Chavez. Why wouldn't he want a Latin American dictator to fund criminals, which is what illegal aliens (the clue being in the word "illegal", which Paul doesn't like - boo hoo)to travel around our capital illegally?

    What's not to love?

    Rush is Right has a point, though. Getting a Latin American sleazebag to fund travel for illegals back to their tip of origin would be quite nifty.

    DES - They're not "the poor of London". They're not "of London". Let us keep our language uncloudy, shall we?

  17. DES - what the Tories hate is some of the poorest people in the workd in Venezuela subsidising the comparatively swimming-in-cash city of London. It really comes to something for "red" (sic) Ken when the likes of Alan Duncan denounce his immorality over this.

  18. Chavez should have a few bucks left over from the millions he steered toward FARC in Colombia.

  19. O/T but someone over in Coffee House mentioned a commercial with a Volkswagon and a Jack Russell and I was wondering whether Iain had put little Gio out to work. To pay for the new car, like.
