Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Joys of S & M

I had to laugh when I read this quote from Forumula One boss Max Mosley in today's Sunday Telegraph. You will recall that he was exposed recently in the News of the World for enjoying the so-called delights of Sado-Masochistic sex. He said...

"As long as it's adults in private, and consensual, it doesn't hurt."

Now I may not be very well versed in the matters of S&M but isn't the whole idea of it that it should indeed hurt?!



    Yes, but check out this story where our Max confirms he is going to stop at 69...

    You couldn't make it up..

  2. No dahling, it should chafe and smart and even come sharp, but it should feel goooood.

  3. Political memoirs which haven't been written but should be:

    My Struggle by David Cameron

    Nothing Exceeds Like Excess by Michael Martin

    Wear a Fox Hat by HRH The Prince of Wales

    Norfolk North, The Glory Years by Iain Dale

    The Midas Touch by Gordon Brown

  4. You seem to have a lot to learn Mr Dale.

  5. Isn't S & M where dyslexics buy their underwear?

  6. Ask Paul Johnson...

  7. Does it say something about the change in social mores in this country that Mosley's response to the original story breaking was to acknowledge that he was having orgies with prostitutes, but to strenuously deny the use of any Nazi symbols or regalia?

  8. Yes James Barlow, wouldn't it be a greater world if Nazism was still a respected ideology but consensual relations between adults was frowned upon?

  9. If he had laughed it off straight away it would be forgotten now, but no he sought legal advice, big mistake. They once thought they had got a popular actress in a saucy old film, when confronted she laughed said it had been great fun and wished she was young again. The result no story.
    freedom to prosper

  10. James Barlow - very interesting point. I suspect him being the son of a the leader of the British Union of Fascists and a women who adored Hitler might have something to do with his wishing to be NOT seen in Nazi regalia!

  11. now now, don't mock the self inflicted!

  12. Iain:

    You're a fluent German speaker, as is Max Mosley.

    To me, one of the weirdest things about this video is that Max appears to speak in "Commando comic" German throughout...lots of "ze's" and "vill's."

    Can you (or anyone else) suggest why he would do this?

    May I just add that, as a long-standing fan of Formula One, I think that mad Max is a complete and utter turd?

  13. Ian - stop being naughty!

  14. Max Mosley seems unfortunately to be both "S" and "M". Hope he doesnt beat himself up about it.

  15. Philipa said...

    "No dahling, it should chafe and smart and even come sharp, but it should feel goooood."

    Quite right Philipa, that's the way my chicks always like it. Let's meet.
