Saturday, April 19, 2008

How do I ban a Google Ad?

Can anyone tell me how I can ban particular Google Ads on Adsense? Like many of you I am fed up with this Win an Audi advert which seems to be appearing semi permanently at the moment. I could, of course, just stop using Google Ads completely, but they earn me £150 a month. Would you want to give that up? No, me neither. All advice gratefully received.


  1. You nare complaining about an AUDI add? !!

    Quite right, give me BMW (and MINI) every time ...

  2. I would suggest talking to Google Ads themselves, after all they're the ones responsible and no doubt in order to keep a customer happy they'd be obliging so long as you aren't being unreasonable.

    Mind you as a user of the Firefox browser with no script add_on, I don't see your ads anyway :-D

  3. "Would you want to give that up? No, me neither. All advice gratefully received."

    It (used to be at least) one of the terms of the Adsense contract that you didn'treveal how much you earned.

    Indeed, they used to suspend the accounts of those who did, so you might find yourself having the choice made for you....

  4. I prefer the Audi ad to the Paddick ad.

  5. It would help if you didn't give free adverts to Audi in your own text.

  6. Here is the google help page on blocking specific adverts

  7. The help pages seem fairly straightforward.

    Alternatively you could just stop blogging about cars.

  8. I think google has picked up on your Audi-praising, climate-change denying posts and is targeting adverts accordingly?

  9. If I were you I would be more worried about the Brian Paddick advert which has been appearing on your blog.

  10. apparently google ads base the ads chosen on the contents of the website so if you mention audis a lot then they will look for an ad that references audis. its also why you get a lot of lib dem ads because v****** keeps repeating the phrase "lib dems" whenever you mention them once. The answer is to stop going on about audis and ban v******.

  11. Perhaps Audi have twigged that this is where all the Audi "anoraks" hang out of the internet, Iain...

  12. Hmm...

    Now His Grace is genuinely but most humbly confused.

    Google Ads are permitted for Brian Paddick as 'the only sensible choice' and disparaging of Boris because he 'dosn't talk sense', but advertisements for Audi are not?

    £150 per month? Even Richard Rich only sold his soul for Wales.

  13. Please, please, please get rid of that advert. I'm an admirer of Volkswagen AG/Audi AG as you are Mr Dale. The weird red advert isn't doing anything for them.

  14. There's one for Livingslime as well!!

  15. Well, I'm currently having a major love affair with a Mazda 6, but those TV ads for the Audi RS6 are terrific!

  16. Why worry about the Paddick ad? Presumably the Paddick campaign, which I as a LibDem have at least in part paid for, pays Iain Dale, a Conservative commentator, to run this ad. Given that the proportion of floating voters on here must be tiny, I doubt it is causing many people to switch to voting for him... what it is doing is helping to make a popular and influential pro-Conservative blog more financially viable. You should be cheering it, not sneering it.

  17. You could try stopping writing about your AUDI, because you have mentioned your AUDI quite a lot recently and no doubt they have tapped in to responses containing the word AUDI.

    Maybe if we changed to talking about your Prius ?..

  18. If you sell your principles, don't ask for change...

  19. Of more importance, should we have a sweepstake on how long it will take Gordon Brown to be forced into a humiliating climb-down on the Ten Pence Tax Rate Abolition ??

  20. How do you make £150 a month from Google for doing nothing?

    What is your secret

  21. 5:46 - "If you sell your principles, don't ask for change."

    In what way has Iain "sold his principles"? He's a capitalist. Capitalists engage in commerce.

  22. verity - by boring us all senseless and endlessly repeating "lib dems" which was about funny for 2 secs you have actually ensured there are Lib Dem ads here. Well done. Oh do shut the f*** up love.

  23. Better still, How do I lobby an EUssr MEP?

  24. Yes, I am afraid you just blew it again by mentioning that car make in your text.

  25. Now we know where you got yours!

  26. Doesn't that ad break the ASA's rules? It states that I've won an Audi. Liars. Do a screen grab and send to ASA asap.
