Thursday, April 24, 2008

Gordon Brown Orders Leak Inquiry

I understand that several more mobile phones have been destroyed in Number Ten this week following the Mail on Sunday's reporting of Gordon Brown's press briefing on the plane back from America last week (reported by Guido HERE). He has, I can reveal, ordered a leak enquiry to find out who told the Mail on Sunday about the briefing, in which he categorically denied that the 10p tax issue was a problem, that there were any losers or that there were any rebels. As the MoS was not on the plane they felt unconstrained by the lobby rules governing the briefing. Brown's henchmen (in the shape of Damien McBride) are threatening fire and brimstone and demanding the MoS source is named, shamed and sacked.

Wouldn't you have thought they might have something better to do than emulate Jim Hacker?


  1. Someone should give Gordon a rubber phone. And only let him use it in the Special Room* - the one with rubber walls....

    [I think it is called COBRA?)

  2. Maybe Samsung M110 Solid (further to "marquee mark" -happened to just be reading phone reviews)

  3. So, no denial of the actual story then? Just a manhunt for the messenger. How much of our money is going to be spent on this little exercise to soothe Brown's hurt feelings, eh? I suppose he's got to have his pound of flesh.

    What a truly ghastly vengeful, amoral, regime. Worse than a banana republic, it is fiscally and politically incompetent, oppressive, venal and petty. Time that the subservient public met fire with fire. The May elections would be a good starting point.

  4. Bernard Wooley - "That's one of those irregular verbs, isn't it? I give confidential security briefings. You leak. He has been charged under section 2a of the Official Secrets Act."

  5. I think "The Lobby" should stop toadying and pandering to the PM of the day and start doing their real job. This isn't the USSR.

  6. "Brown's henchmen (in the shape of Damien McBride) are threatening fire and brimstone and demanding the MoS source is named, shamed and sacked."

    Ha-ha! Yeah, like that is going to happen...

  7. Well he's certainly living up to his Stalin McBean reputation. How dare the press report the truth!

  8. Oh...that kind of leak.

    I thought you meant that Gordon had lost control of his bladder after reading the Telegraph yesterday, and had ordered an inquiry into how the polls can be reversed.

    I hear they are in talks with Zanu PF about getting them in to run the election!

    Gus O Donnell is also in discussions with suppliers of recording studios so Gordon can have his own sound proofed room. It is rumoured to have rubber walls, and a peg outside for Gordon's straightjacket!

  9. I don't understand the tactic of drawing the public's attention to the MoS story?

  10. Jim Hacker: "I don't want a leak inquiry. I want to find out who did it."

    Hacker would actually make a refreshing change compared to the current mob.
