Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Fayed to Sue Himself?

Let's see if I have this right. Following the verdict in the Diana Inquiry yesterday of unlawful killing, wouldn't Mohammed Fayed be entitled to sue the those responsible for causing the death? Ah, yes, I see the problem...

PS. Q. How does Michael Cole sleep at night?
A. With a stash of Fayed hush money under his mattress.


  1. Mr Fayed is not a UK citizen, nor, so far as I am aware, is he a citizen of another EU country. Is it not possible, when he next flies out, to prevent him from returning? I can't think that much of a fuss would be made about this, except possibly in the Express - "Fayed Ban Gives Your Mortgage Cancer" - that sort of thing.

  2. Q. How does Michael Cole sleep at night?

    In a hairnet I imagine ;-)

  3. Is Michael Cole still Al Fatso's press relations officer?

    He must be the perviest sounding and looking pr man in the business, not to mention his David Ike take on reality.

  4. Hmmm...pretty sure that's libellous...

  5. 2nd PS How does Michael Mansfield QC sleep at night?

  6. Perhaps now is the time for Prince Philip to go to court.

    Harrods would just about cover the damages claim.

  7. Given the numerous charity events Mr Al Fayed puts on, why ever should we wish to ban him from returning to the UK? We have plenty here who contribute far less, they should be first in the queue.

    So he's gone loopy over the death of his son? That's not so strange.

  8. An excellent point well made Iain. I laughed out loud when I heard him threaten that - perhaps the Ritz will counter-sue for having drug-taking staff foisted on them by the big boss?

    Thinking about it, what would really make sense would be for the UK Government to sue Fayed for recovery of all the money spent on this ludicrous charade. In the meantime, we could send bailiffs round to distraint Harrods as security. Just in case he tries to do a runner.

    Do they have laws in Monaco or wherever it is he now crawls under a rock at night?

  9. But what exactly does Cole do now, given that that Witty woman seems do be doing all of Fayed's talking? She must have been on every news/current affairs programme going since yesterday.

  10. But what exactly does Cole do now, given that that Witty woman seems do be doing all of Fayed's talking? She must have been on every news/current affairs programme going since yesterday.

  11. But what exactly does Cole do now, given that that Witty woman seems do be doing all of Fayed's talking? She must have been on every news/current affairs programme going since yesterday.

  12. Fayad can now be sued in the French courts for culpability towards corporate manslaughter by the estates of those dead and by the injured.
    It was his (Fayads) employee, at his hotel and his car and his organisation that contributed to the events.
    Ah deep joy, lets hope the little shit is bankrupted and loses his corner shop.
    HMG should also sue him for the costs of this ridiculous coroners court, which has allowed him to propound his schizoid statements, confirming what we already knew, that he was living on a parallel universe.
    And then lets deport him.

  13. Paul was not drunk when he came back on duty and there are anomalies all over the place which the coroner's enquiry did not address.

    Therefore there is no closure and therefore they will continue to require more enquiries to prove the unprovable i.e. not the truth.

    Better they let the truth come out and let the whole thing end.

  14. Speaking of "that Witty woman", what on earth possesses journalists to take the Fayad shekel? Witty and Lawrie Mayer had jobs with Sky, and even Cole might have climbed back into favour with the BBC. Now they have no hope of decent employment once Fayad tires of them, or is deported.

  15. Add to this Kelvin McKenzie's bizarre lickspittle performance on BBC24 and you have to wonder what they are smoking over at Horrid HQ. Did McKenzie really say in defence of Muslim (101%) belief in a conspiracy "its just like if a Muslim princess was going to marry a Christian which would result in him becoming ruler in Saudi Arabia"? Yeah 'cause it's just like that isnt it??!??

    Must be infectious.

  16. To Semaj Mahgih

    I have in my possession THE REAL POISON that killed JFK.
    As you are no doubt aware the whole Dallas thing was just a staged setup to get extra security powers for Lyndon Johnson.
    He was injected at his home and was already dead in the car, with his wife waving his arm like in Weekend at Bernie's.

    I can sell it to you for just $1000, but you must Never tell anyone or your life will be in danger.
    RFK told me that dark forces were at work.. Unfortunately he died and so cannot confirm the story.. And this PROVES its true.

    Semaj Mahgih go to my website
    but don't be followed.

  17. I hope that Neil Hamilton has been enjoying this. It's the least we can hope when you think that his political career was wrecked by the "evidence" of a now proven fastasist and his, now proven, intimidated employees.

    Is there really anyone left now who believes Mr Fayed and his associates over Neil Hamilton?

  18. Michael Cole sleep? He probably needs all night to get his bouffant ready and think up the next fairy story that Fayed wants him to spin.

  19. Londoner said...
    "Is there really anyone left now who believes Mr Fayed and his associates over Neil Hamilton?"

    A pair of crooks but Al Fayed is in a league of his own.

  20. Iain, you are clever and such a good writer, but on this I cannot agree with you. Losing someone you love is such a traumatic experience, it can shatter you utterly.

    This is not a situation for smart remarks, it is all so so sad. We should just pray the poor man finds some peace of mind.
