Thursday, April 03, 2008

The Daley Dozen:Thursday

1. Shane Greer on the Boyne Wonder.
2. Dizzy is, er, none too impressed by London Underground.
3. EU Referendum on David Miliband's 'curious mindset'
4. Peter Riddell's must read column on the malaise in Number 10.
5. And Red Box gives us 10 reasons why Labour should be worried by Riddell's column.
6. Nadine just loves the BBC.
7. Burning our Money on equality for all ... or not.
8. Dave's Part alleges British complicity with Mugabe.
9. Ellee Seymour asks if the Olympics will worsen China's human rights record.
10. John Redwood on Heathrow and CO2 emissions.
11. Kiwiblog on a new political TV show in New Zealand. Can we have the same please?
12. A rather Illiberal England wants Lembit to zip it and concentrate on his brief.


  1. I have no idea what you are alluding to in your reference to Ken Livingstone's private life.
    Indeed, I must say that never in my life have I previously given the subject any consideration.
    However, your 'tease' will have alerted many like me to enquire what it is that we should know that we do not.
    This is beneath you.
    If you have some dirt you wish to share then do so and accept responsibility for it.
    If you really wish to keep whatever it is under wraps, why mention it at all?
    It looks like a cheap shot and if by association it looks like a Conservative cheap shot you do Boris no service at all.

  2. I can't win. If I don't mention it people ask why I haven't and when I make clear I believe it is a private matter I am condemned too. If I had wanted to use this as a political issue do you really think I would have disabled comments on the post. The fact that you dont know what I am talking about is astonishing when it is all over the internet and has been on main BBC news bulletins.

  3. Exactly!

    A quick internet search and there the story is in the Times.

    If, like me, you are gloating in the joy of condemnation of Ken Livingstone,, (and of course we all know that you are) why not put up your hand and admit it?

    It's the hypocrisy of, 'I'm not the sort to talk about these things', when effectively you have alerted thousands of people to the story that you need to explain.

  4. I suspect you were among the 5% of my readers who were not aware of it. By tomorrow morning everyone will be aware of it anyway.

  5. Sorry Iain. Even a backwoodsman five percenter won't believe this 'sugar wouldn't melt in my mouth' stuff.
    And if it will be all over the media, what good will you do by being so sweet?
    Come on let's have a bit of honest slagging off.
    Let's start by adding the Ken quotient to that of Lee Jasper.

  6. Not even the Boyne Wonder will get the orangemen down the garvaghy road any time soon!

  7. I opened by saying I had never given any consideration to Ken Livingstone's private life - and indeed that goes for other people generally.
    But echoes of articles read and almost forgotten now return to explain why the Conservative Party will be 'measured' in its response to the latest news.
    And all the more reason to question the true motives for your reticence.

  8. My Goodness, Weygand seems a little sensitive!

    I read the post as making a statement, which was that you did not feel that it was anybodies business.

    It is not possible to make your position clear without mentioning the matter in some way.

    I know that Labour are good at twisting words, but twisting pictures is a new one on me...

  9. why no comment link for the previous thread? :¬)

    The real story here is that three (3!) women actually let him close enough. Can you imagine that?

    Talk about desperate...
