Saturday, April 05, 2008

The Daley Dozen: Saturday

1. Guido on the numerous occasions the IMF warned Gordon Brown about Britain's impending debt crisis.
2. Tim Montgomerie on why a politician's private life matters.
3. Dizzy reckons there's a few twists to come in the Shannon Matthews case.
4. Norfolk Blogger reckons the Green Party is full of crypto fascists.
5. James Forsyth on Nick Clegg's week of woe.
6. Tracey Crouch on Labour voters deserting the party over the 10 tax rate.
7. John Redwood on the BBC's pro nationalisation bias.
8. Slugger O'Toole on David Trimble's review of Jonathan Powell's book.
9. ConservativeHome has news of a new poll showing an 11 point Tory lead.
10. Peter Facey explains VoteMatch.
11. Paul Linford says the local elections are make or break for Gordon Brown.
12. Political Betting on the SNP's rising fortunes.


  1. Iain,

    This is worth a read.


  2. Actually Iain the new ICM poll shows an 11% lead for the Conservatives - 43% to Labour's
    32%. Still in double digits.

  3. Iain

    I think the daily dozen is one of the most important functions of your blog.

    Please keep it up.


  4. I do worry about this Tory Scottophobia. I've got no axe to grind on behalf of the Scots, but I wonder what it would mean for England if certain people's fantasies of breaking up the union were realised. An unpleasant prospect.

  5. One post that hasn't been written yet but should be: the one about political memoirs.
    Looking forward to it.
