Monday, April 07, 2008

The Daley Dozen: Monday

1. Guido on a new embarrassment for Gordon. Not having much like is he?
2. Coffee House has news of a massive poll lead for Boris.
3. Shane Greer on the shifting centre ground.
4. LibDem Voice on who the LibDems should give their second preferences to in London.
5. Cranmer makes the moral case for a 10p tax rate.
6. Burning our Money on the catastrophic effects of the Brown tax rise.
7. Steve Green from Daily Referendum is with child.
8. Danny Finkelstein has ten conspiracy theories more ridiculous than Fayed's.
9. Ellee Seymour on the Masai marathon runners.
10. EU Referendum on the futility of wind power.
11. Liberal England has some harsh words for his virile leader.
12. Paul Linford on the "nauseating hypocrisy" of Peter Kilfoyle.


  1. Except Eu referendum lamabasts Evans-Pritchard for ignoring the "massive subsidies" inherent in the Spanish tariffs. Except that they aren't massiv subsidies. The guaranteed prices (€60-70 per Mwh) are about the same as average European prices.

    The benefits to the generator is that his income is fixed for 20 years which helps him to raise finance.

    There are plenty of renewables projects that *do* get massive subsidies (German solar electricity generation for example), but this isn't really one of them.

    Nothing like a good rant, but EU Referendum should get his facts right first.

  2. Iain this is awfully late to pick up
