Friday, April 04, 2008

The Daley Dozen: Friday

1. Cicero's Songs on what is going on in Zimbabwe.
2. Liberal Burblings defends Nick's Cleggover interview.
3. ConservativeHome has their monthly Shadow Cabinet rankings. Rankings, I said.
4. Our Kingdom welcomes PoliticsHome.
5. Niall Paterson has another example of a recycled Gordon Brown joke.
6. Sunny Hundal applies to be editor of the New Statesman thinks the New Statesman should be angrier.
7. Dizzy complains about being misquoted in the Daily Mail. He won't be the last.
8. Ben Brogan on the murk of MPs' expenses which was revealed today.
9. Coffee House on how Gordon tries to do cool and fails.
10. Jonathan Isaby on how the Tory Press team are rated twice as highly as Labour.
11. Burning our Money blames Steve Richards for the fact we didn't know about troughing MPs.
12. Party Political Animal on the dubious benefits of the Olympics.

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