Monday, April 28, 2008

Boris Puts in Strong Performance

We're half way through the Sky mayoral debate and Boris is putting in a storming performance. Definitely his best so far. Paddick is also doing well. Ken is just sooooo tired.

Keep tuned in on Sky News Online or press the red button for post match commentary after the debate finishes at 9.


  1. Just as well for Livingstone that hardly anyone is watching.

    Iain, is it possible for you you to get Blogger to produce a more user-friendly word verification. I know the aim is that it should be difficult for it to be read by OCR but it is now more difficult for users to unravel and often takes several attempts before it is accepted.

  2. Agreed and he got better. Also Gillgan making that little squirt A Hilton look as if he should be in short trousers was deeply satisfying .

  3. alex hilton - what a cnut

  4. Boris is the only real choice.

    Boris for Mayor!!

  5. Addaboy, Iain! Shows confidence can beat sound bites any day.

    Can you please big up the housing market next?

  6. anon... yes the word verification is virtually unreadable. You can click on the little wheelchair man to have it read out to you - at least I assume that's what it does, but you'll need QuickTime installed to find out.

    Like most other people I haven't been watching Boris & Co this evening - though might have tuned in had I known it was going to be on.

  7. Oh my God! Boris was on fire tonight, he put in a fantastic performance, this is one happy tory! I cannot believe Ken I thought he was'nt gonna go down without a fight but he was so disappointing, I rated him before tonights performance.

  8. I was struggling to find out what was different between the three speakers on display. I would really like to have heard something from the other candidates - who said only the 'main parties' deserve a hearing?

  9. Thank you Newmania. Anything that shows up Alex Hilton to be the piddling nonentity he really is, is fine.


  10. Well done Iain for holding off from belting that odious little twat Hilton. Your implied "continue your accusations and we will meet in Court" shut him up rather quickly and your expression really said it all. What a silly little boy, it was way past his bedtime. As for Bremmner, was he off to have a drink with Ken as his whole routine was rather left leaning. Git ( and not a very funny one at that)

    PS BJ's sister came over as both eloquent and elegant. Hire that gal. Boris was on form and a very interesting take by Jon Craig on Sky News that he detected a clear signal from Paddick that he would support Boris on a second vote preference.

  11. I sent Iain an email asking whether Blogger would let him change verification to the Turing Code. I am fed up with going through verification hell, although understand that the change in complexity has obviously been prompted by something.

    The Turing Code is secure. You just copy numbers according to the code devised by Turing, who, in WWII, was the man who cracked Enigma.

    I've just looked at the word verification for this entry and it looks like vomit.

    Didn't go through the first time.

    Didn't go through the second time.

    Third time, no. Fourth time, no.

    I mean, who is going to bother to go through all this just to post a comment?

  12. Iain, I'd love to see a link to the whole debate, but Sky doesn't seem to want to play, can you point me in the right direction?

  13. @ Verity

    "I mean, who is going to bother to go through all this just to post a comment?"

    You just did.

  14. Is there any way to see this online? I was out but would like to see it.

  15. I saw the post-match commentary. Iain was excellent. I wasn't sure who the young man in the jacket was -- possibly another Milliband: there are so many of them these days. Rachel Johnson was also excellent. I was at Oxford with her and Boris, and she was very much the better of the two.
