Monday, April 28, 2008

Bloggers to Be Part of BBC Election Night Coverage

The BBC Election night programme is, for the first time, going to include bloggers as a real part of their mainstream coverage. They've been watching the US primaries closely and have seen the important role played by bloggers in those programmes. Last year when I was on 18 Doughty Street we found that we were getting results far more quickly than the BBC and Sky because people were emailing and texting us with what was going on. Just monitoring sites like and ConservativeHome was far more reliable than relying on one reporter at one particular count. So along with Labour blogger Luke Akehurst and LibDem Alix Mortimer I will be at City Hall with Emily Maitliss appearing every half hour on your screen but also live blogging the whole night both on this blog and the special BBC Election Night blog.

The BBC would like us (the bloggers) to...
  • Act as an alternative results service- if you can help us beat David Dimbleby, we want to hear from you.
  • Find out what's going on a round the country- atmosphere at counts, rumours, gossip, colour- we want it all
  • React to what we're writing on our blogs
  • Shamelessly fish for and draw attention to other eye catching posts on political blogs- tell us if you've seen something deserving of wider attention
And tonight the final London Mayoral debate takes place between Messers Johnson, Livingstone and Paddick on Sky News from 7.30pm. Along with Alex Hilton and Jo-Christie-Smith I will be doing the pre and post match analysis on Sky News and their online operation. More details HERE.


  1. Good luck!
    My first thought was the BBC will do anything to try and keep their viewers - Dimbleby annoys the hell out of me - I shall be looking in on Sky - sorry...

    josephine aka anonymous

  2. Shurely Shome Mishtake. "BBC trys to become part of the Blogging Community" should be the headline. Tell 'em to sod off!

  3. One issue I have with this is that apart from you, all the bloggers I have seen on TV really aren't people I want to be assaulting my visual and aural senses. There is usually a good reason why bloggers stick to written communication ;-)

    Perhaps a new variant of the "face for radio" saying is needed...

  4. "The BBC Election night programme is, for the first time, going to include bloggers as a real part of their mainstream coverage."

    Actually it will be the second time.

    We live blogged in studio throughout the night on May 3rd last year.

  5. The BBC is a biased old cow that needs slaughtering,not watering.

  6. I'll be live blogging the Welsh results once the polls have closed (I'm doing a stint marking in my ward). Unlike last May I will actually go to bed by dawn though.

  7. Does anyone know what time the London result is expected?

  8. What time is the London result expected?

  9. I just can't wait for it - the Pinky & Perky Show!

  10. Isn't City Hall flooded?!!?!?!?!

  11. Hasn't anyone realised that Alex Hilton is a prick?

  12. I can see why this is an exciting opportunity for Iain and other bloggers, but if you look at it objectively then it's not really a good idea at all. I don't want to see bloggers whoring themselves just to get a few extra hits, endless speculation and rumour - I just want the damned results!

  13. two things I thought were happening

    a)City Hall is flooded, the count was meant to be taking place in the Excel centre among other places anyway, unless of course there was a City Hall party I was not invited to...

    b)the count is taking place on Friday not on Thursday night do you mean you will be blogging about other things but London???? :O if so why City Hall?

  14. Ben said...
    "Does anyone know what time the London result is expected?

    The London count doesn't start until Friday morning. The final results are expected to be announced around 9.00 p.m. on Friday.


  15. Did the UK finally get interested in Politics?!
