Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Who's Telling the Truth Today?

Nick Clegg has been denying that the Lisbon treaty warrants a referendum as it is not as significant as the Maastricht treaty.

But one of his former Lib Dem colleagues from the European Parliament, Andrew Duff MEP, states in THIS document (page 13) "in historic terms it is at least as significant as the Treaty of Maastricht".

Who is telling the truth?

And talking of telling the truth, Gordon Brown needs to take a truth pill.In PMQs today he again alleged that Boris Johnson would cut transport and Police budgets. Boris's people issued a further denial within minutes...

"The first time Gordon Brown claimed I would be making cuts in the police in London, he misled the House and I demanded an apology. He and his cronies have continued to spout this nonsense. I made it clear when I launched my candidacy that I believed we could make savings within some areas to improve services for Londoners and I stand by that. As my 36 page crime manifesto shows, by shaving money from publicity budgets, I will not only match Ken Livingstone’s increase in officers but go much further to make Londoners feel safer. And on Transport, I have found similar savings within Transport for London to fund policies which will help Londoners get around easier. Gordon Brown’s refusal to answer questions on his Mayor and instead make inaccurate claims about my proposals are all part of an attempt to cover up the fact that his Mayor is mired in maladministration and clearly out of touch.”


  1. SUE Boris SUE.

    I would love to see Brown under oath and having to apologise.

    Come on take him to court.

  2. Clearly Clegg is right about that fact. Tories have waved through SEVERAL more serious bits of Eurofication that this one. Indisputable. Who is this Andrew "Duff" anyway?

    Johnson is so utterly full of crapulence. There is no end to it.

    So, Clegg and Brown TRUTH. Duff and Bozo UNTRUTH.

  3. There is no need to ask the question.

    We have known for months, courtesy of Giscard d'Estaing, that:

    "the institutional proposals of the constitutional treaty….are found complete in the Lisbon Treaty, only in a different order and inserted in former treaties.."

    The Telegraph made it clear that "the purpose of the [Lisbon Treaty] was to make people think the new version did not merit being put to the people in referendums"

    The government and Clegg are liars and enemies of democracy.

  4. Brown's lawyer has already had to admit that nobody should take him at his word. ( Oddly enough over betraying his voters and the country by not for filling his manifesto promise for a referendum ).

  5. The Noes have it on the Conservative amendment of a referendum. Majority of 63; is that not the exact same number of Lib Dem MPs in the house? Not that we can placae all the blame squarely on them, but those LDs present did all just sit there on their arses when it came to voting time.

  6. "Who is this Andrew "Duff" anyway?"

    He's a Lib Dem MEP for the East of England who nevertheless has openly urged Eurocrats to push through the treaty in order to "Defeat the English".

  7. Frankly Boris has been rather mild in his criticism of Brown who, as usual, bottles it and will not spout this claptrap outside the privilege of the Chamber. It's a measure of the fear and loathing amongst NuLab now.

    Interesting to see the usual suspects here clearly supporting the dubious Mayor and his equally dubious henchman, Jasper, who has now bottled it completely and played the Race Card, the Family Card and is shortly to play the Health Card. Still, by their friends so shall you know them.

    Does anyone in their right minds living and/or working in London seriously want the ghastly Livingstone for another term of office together with (as he has already promised) the truly odious Jasper and their various shady 'associates' back in City Hall?

    And Clegg, remarkably after just a few days in the job, has managed to turn himself into a has-been - or should that read has-bean?

  8. But my dear old drink-soaked popinjay, M. V. Giscard d'Estaing is trying to wreck this treaty only because he wants to restore all the stuff that's been ripped out of the constitution. Passing the treaty will put the brakes on his dream of a united states of Europe for decades. His only hope of getting his stuff back on the table is to wreck this modest treaty....

  9. If it is as significant as Maastricht, then there's no need for a referendum, surely. Wasn't your boss David Davis instrumental in whipping the Tories through to ensure that there wasn't a referendum?

  10. If one or other of Clegg and Duff is not telling the truth, then, whatever the issue, I'd expect it'd be Duff.

    The guy is just completely out of touch with reality.

    I met him once, and a friend of mine (Chris Lightfoot) criticised him for supporting the EU Arrest Warrant. Duff denied supporting this. Chris pointed out that the Lib Dems boasted about their support for the measure in their manifesto. Duff affected to be surprised that it had been mentioned in the manifesto, and claimed that the fact the measure was introduced by the Council rather than the Commission made it all terribly irregular and confusing, as though this excused him.
