Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sunday Paper Review

What a shame it is to see HM The Queen bowing to political correctness and abandoning her plans for a Diamond Wedding anniversary Party at The Ritz in the Mail on Sunday. If anyone deserves one, she does. She feared the negative headlines. Michael Portillo in the Sunday Times argues that MPs will have to give up some of their perks and voters will see to it that they do. Jonathan Dimbleby speaks in the Sunday Telegraph of being a "walking wreck" after the death of his opera singer lover from cancer, only seven months after they met. Tim Shipman in the Sunday Telegraph discusses the chances of Al Gore winning the Democratic nomination is Obama and Clinton end in deadlock. McCain must be chortling. In The Observer Max Hastings thinks Boris is ready to be Mayor.


  1. This blog now has the feel of Google News: put together by a robot with no human input.

  2. To be fair there really isn't any News about at the moment. Without Iraq and Afghanistan what would they talk about?
    freedom to prosper

  3. I was the first person on this blog - around five weeks ago, I believe, to refer to Al Gore hanging out in his mansion in Tennessee, polishing up his Nobel Prize and waiting for a phone call.

    I hope it happens. It would be too much fun.

  4. So the Queen thinks things are going to be so bad in the economy that she can't be seen celebrating sixty years of marriage whilst our houses are repossessed, our cars towed away, our shares become worthless, our pensions shrink and we stand in line to cash in our ration vouchers for half a pound of butter and four sausages.

    So what the hell has Brown been telling Her Majesty about the future state of the economy in his weekly audiences with her?? How bad isit going to get?

    Marquee Mark

  5. Honestly, Iain, you should be happy. It's a humiliating thing for her to do to Brown and Darling.

  6. The Queen should have a YACHT to get away on. Thanks to this loathsome Government she can't have one.

  7. The truth is that Her Majesty has more political nous than people credit her with and if she's upset Brown & Co - So What !

    Unlike some MPs who continue to wallow in the trough arrogantly sticking two fingers up at the electorate with their all expenses paid job - Her Majesty knows the obscenity of flaunting her wealth when countless of her subjects are in fear of losing their homes and the country is heading for recession as a result of Brown and Labour's incompetent management of the economy and his profligacy over the past 11 years for which the country has very little to show in the way of improvement to either the Health Service; in levels of crime or our education system and all we get is incompetent Ministers appearing on the Andrew Marr show trying to defend the impossible and other delusional Labour incompetents, north of the border awarding themselves "a perfect 10" for their "achievements"

  8. It is really getting bad for Brown when the Queen is publicly castigating him like this. The cretin still going on about how things are wonderful, what an idiot , even the Queen realises we are in trouble with this government.

  9. The loathesome Harperson was on Steve Richards' GMTV show this morning (I taped it - not up that early) going on about how the Tories were talking up an economic crisis and how it meant they weren't fit for government. It was pure Calahagnesque 'Crisis? What crisis?' - with the added twist that any idea of economic crisis is something dreamt up by the Tories. How she can get away with this twaddle is beyond me. Boris was on before Harperson - and he was a real breath of fresh air. Lots of good policy ideas and authentic enthusiasm. He is certainly ready to be Mayor.

  10. Does 'political correctness' now just stand for any view with which you disagree, Iain?

  11. I find it difficult to sympathise with Jonathan Dimbleby who walked away from his 36-year-marriage to the journalist Bel Mooney when he became infatuated with a much younger opera singer.

  12. The Sunday Times' (Jockland Edition) header: Brown-' I fear for the future of the Union' is a classic case of Labour speaking bollocks before the election of 1997- and up to- and beyond today. What did the silly Scottish ba*tard think would happen if they gave 'preferential treatment' toward Scotland (ie) a parochial parliament), and a political system skewered against the nation that makes up 85% of the Union?! A couple of remedies:i) call a referendum asking the independence question for Scotland- now! ii) ban all non-English MP's voting on 'English only' matters, with the direct pledge of reducing Scottish, Welsh, and N/Irish MP's by a significant margin. iii) call a referendum in England whether we want to be rid of the Jocks, Taffs and Paddies!

  13. Anonymous 10:37 PM said...

    "I find it difficult to sympathise with Jonathan Dimbleby"

    I find it easy to enjoy the 'wreck' of that lefty creep.

  14. when Her Majesty was married she demurred the opportunity to have an expensive wedding dress made as at the time other brides were subject to rationing.

    This time I am guessing our canny Queen wants a low key celebration with family and genuine friends (and none of her venal PMs). Allow her that conceit. Had enough of all of them I am guessing.
