Friday, March 14, 2008

A Ray of Light

The news that Shannon Matthews has been found safe and well is obviously wonderful for everyone concerned with the case. It will bring hope to other families whose children are missing. It makes me wonder how the McCanns will be feeling this afternoon.


  1. If it's true that she was found hidden under her paternal grandparents' bed, and that there's been an arrest, there are clearly some family issues that need to be addressed. Still, thank God she's alive and apparently well. It's good to remember that stores that start out like this one did don't have to end in absolute tragedy.

  2. What great news.

    I for one feel the MCcaccns are completely innocent! I am told that child abduction is much more common in Portugal than in the UK.

    Lets hope Madeliane likewise turns up well and safe.

  3. How do you think they will be feeling?!

  4. Pretty egregious of Cameron to issue a statement on it. The sort of thing Blair used to do, and Cameron should give it a rest.

  5. Did Cameron "issue a statement" or did the press ask him about it and he made a comment. There is a difference.

  6. Be careful what you say about the McCanns, or they may involve their friendly lawyers Carter Ruck

  7. Wait until the full story comes out...'find Shannon' fund??
