Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Quote of the Day

From David Wooding in The Sun on Margaret Hodge's rant against The Proms...

"Margaret Hodge clearly doesn't know her arias from her elbow... Long may The Proms rule the airwaves."

How this ridiculous and discredited woman remains a Minister is a mystery to all Westminster watchers, as she has left a trail of destruction in the countless ministries she has been shuffled between. The fact that she is still in government is testament to the dearth of talent on Labour's backbenches.


  1. And don't forget the f-up she made of Islington. We're still paying for it!

  2. Them first words which come to mind are:-silly bitch. It's NOT up to US to be inclusive, it' s up to the immigrant to involve themselves in OUR society and culture. If they don't wish to do so, then the 'EXIT' route they should take.

  3. Because Iain, like most of the second rate Ministers the Supreme Leader has around him, she knows the exact grid reference of where the bodies sre buried.

    A dreadful, bitter and twisted Labour Toff.

  4. The upbringing of children 'cannot be abandoned to the vagaries of the individual'.
    Magaret Hodge, Minister for Children
    18 November 2003

  5. No, Iain, however much we think there is a 'dearth of talent', there has to be a more sinister explanation...

    I think she knows about the shagging habits of Islington's finest, and may be tempted to tell all to the gossip masters of Rupert Murdoch's empire were any harm to befall her...

  6. She preaches inclusiveness yet she was the best recruiting sergeant the BNP ever had. If it didn't concern this country's freedom and nationhood, the irony would be delicious.

  7. How this ridiculous and discredited woman remains a Minister is a mystery to all

    Well said Iain ...I mentally rehearse these very words whenever I hear that ridiculous woman`s name.
    Thanks for the quote anon , as some of us recall ,the bringing up of children is best handled by drug dealers and paedophiles in disgusting conditions while cronies defraud the bureaucracy required.

    Thankyou Enver Hodge

  8. I don't know much about arias, but 'elbow' are a great band. Their new albums out soon & they're touring the UK this spring.

  9. You missed this Iain:
    Jane Moore, The Sun
    "Ms Hodge is MP for Barking. How appropriate."

  10. And now the links between Islington and Jersey are being uncovered. This is the woman who true to NuLab style immediately launched attack on messengers rather than examining the dreadful messages they brought.

    A woman of absolutely no intelligence or integrity. What the hell does she know about whether something is 'representative' or not? What the hell does she know which has allowed her to stay in office?

  11. Hodge is consistent: you've got to give her credit for something.

    She goes to the Proms in a private box... and then spouts carp.
    Champagne socialist.

  12. Madasafish- Consistent? In Barking she argues that the darkies are taking all the houses. Very multicultural
    If I had to pick one thing thats sums her up it was her attempt to smear Panton .One of the many abused as child under her watch.

    This is REAL LABOUR...

    Oh for god`s sake give me a break Iain how can we discuss Margret Hodge in decent language ? !!

  13. She's awfully rich. New Labour will do anything for rich.

  14. She's worse than Rosie Winterton, although at least we know how she got hers...

  15. "... she knows the exact grid reference of where the bodies sre buried." Given that she was once in charge of the Council Buggery Service, that might be literally true.

  16. While we're on the subject, why did the Today programme get Billy Bragg to 'comment' on the latest Hodge pronouncement? Anyone might think Al-beeb liked dissing British history and culture.
