Thursday, March 20, 2008

Must Blogging Politicians Lose Their Sense of Humour?

Oh, for goodness sake. Read THIS report on a LibDem MP who seems to have had a complete sense of humour by-pass. Glyn Davies (Lembit Opik's Tory opponent) posts his retort HERE.


  1. Why are you surprised - its well known that Liberal Democrats don't have a sense of humour - too much emotional energy is consumed on the whole guilt-ridden earnest middle class thing...

  2. Glyn Davies is one of Wales' greatest politicians. I hope this doesn't scupper his chances to oust Lembit Opik Pokit Flikit at the next election.

    It might work the other way.

  3. Jenny Willott's response hardly seems over the top. You seem to be confusing being a MCP with having a SOH, Iain.

  4. I agree with Jenny. Politicians should stay away from sexually suggestive jokes. He wouldn't have said the same about a man.

    Gags about womens' appearance and sexuality are all part of the reason there aren't enough female MPs.

  5. Miserable sour faced cow.

  6. Iain

    Glyn Davis has got it right. Humor is supposed to be funny. If the comment had been the BBC would not have commented. As helping people laugh wins votes it does not lose them. Right now the British people whether they know it or not need all the laughs they can get.

    Of course Tories losing votes is what the BBC is all about especially these days. This because the Conservative Party is often judged usually by the BBC itself, to be the party of the establishment. The BBC desperately wants people to believe that the BBC is not the broadcaster of the establishment and so it does not miss a chance to slag off a Tory EVER.

    The BBC is of course obviously the broadcaster of the British establishment IMO. How indeed could the BBC possibly be allowed to be anything else?

    The trick is to realize that the Labour Party is a NEO-FASCIST PARTY with strong NEO-Marxist masonic tendencies every bit as much as the BBC is a NEO-FASCIST with strong NEO-MARXIST masonic tendencies, BROADCASTER. Following like brainwashed sheep a NEO-FASCIST NEO-MARXIST British establishment, New World Order agenda, to the absolute letter.

    We only have PC and rampant feminism at all, because PC is part of The New World Order agenda to almost destroy normal British family life. While taxing into poverty the other 50% of the now working population.

    The establishment have never forgiven Thatcher for messing up their plans for a New British Empire. Which goes by the name of The New World Order, even slightly.

    Which is why they no longer trust the Conservative Party to deliver the goods on time and at command.

    Gordon and Tony however have done such a wonderful job for 11 years doing exactly that, however many lies and lives it took, at any costs to their own party, and to their own respective eternal souls.

    The BRITISH ESTABLISHMENT and The BBC are one of the same things, and are clearly desperate to keep Labour in power until the job is finally done, way past the point of no return.

    When the BBC starts going even slightly Tory this point will have already been passed. Or the Conservative Party would have already completely sold out to the New World Order as well.

    If that does not ALL make perfect sense, then it should, if you or anyone else had been paying any type of proper attention.

  7. What a sad and sorry reflection on Labour Britain. Utterly humourless, and morons waiting to make mischief at every turn. Why don't we just ban humour and be done with it, because all humour can offend someone. So lets ban it, and then the Labour and Liberal Democrat parties can be satisfied. From experience, the Liberal Democrats are a humourless lot anyway, i bet their conferences must be laugh a minute! I know Labour people with great sense of humours who tell the most risque of jokes, but as soon as a Conservative politician does so they go running to their media chums to make mischief. Oh, and shame on the BBC for making a story out of absolutely nothing. What pathetic journalism. But that's the modern Beeb for you. What a country we live in, eh!!!

  8. Dear heavens, what is it all coming to when someone cannot crack a joke about something like this. Most of the newspapers published identical opinions of the for and after shots and yes, she does look a damned sight better after the soaking. Why an obviously attractive woman tarts herself up to look like Camilla, God only knows! I suppose that's what they mean by "reverse technology"!

  9. Jenny Willott's comment seems very appropriate.

    Glyn Davies' comment is highly inappropriate - and his sense of humour is clearly sub-Bernard Manning

  10. Hmm,

    To me it is about context, i am a regular reader of Glyn's blog, and have been a team in the Welsh Parliamentary football side, and the guy is a decent chap.

    Almost daily we cross swords in political debate on both our blogs, and what i like about Glyn is his everyman style. Most people on the street would have laughed, or if not laughed then shrugged their shoulders.

    The truth is Jenny Willott is trying to sink Glyn because Lembit is struggling against him- its the ulterior motive that makes this whole thing stink.

    Glyn Davies is worth a thousand Jenny Willotts, and i am socialist!

  11. Its an interesting side issue that the left find sexuality so terrifying that all reference to it is enough to give them a fit of the vapours .I recall the highly shaggable ( if she did not talk) Caroline Flint bleating when she was voted most fancy-able MP on Con Home and I was a bit mystified then

    Why are they so scared of sex ? Is it a development of the Puritan strain that was always in the Methodist mix ?

  12. I am sure Conservative political fortunes would be helped with pics of Glyn Davies wearing a pair of wet boxer shorts . We could then all see what he hasn't got .

  13. "Must Blogging Politicians Lose Their Sense of Humour?"

    Is it not mandatory now? Surely something of that nature must have been placed on the statute books within the last decade?

  14. Newmania said...

    "Why are they so scared of sex ? Is it a development of the Puritan strain that was always in the Methodist mix ?"

    Not quite right. Many of them can't stop having sex. At the Militant Summer camps, held to bond the faithful and plot the overthrow of evil, there was an expectation that everyone would be available to everyone else. The demand of Leftist purity is that sex should involve no feelings towards others apart from basic animal fulfilment. That's why they fill guilty when they like someone they shag.

  15. Clearly, Ms Willott must disapprove terribly of her father, Brian. When Chief Exec of ECGD (he spent his whole life damaging the UK by doling out corporate welfare at DTI, ECGD and then the Welsh Dev't Agency, where there was some type of scandal when he was there...), he once went to a meeting and, assuming that the nearest woman must be a secretary, demanded that she get him a cup of coffee... Needless to say, she was a senior exec, and told him to get it himself :)

    Perhaps Ms Willott would care to comment on whether those in glas houses should throw stones?

  16. Glyn Davies is so right. She looks very pleasant with the wet look much less austere.

    Good for him, sod the PC brigade.

  17. Just a tad bit curious about Lib Dem MP Jenny Willott’s PC view on the Lib-Dem MP who did rent-boy sex. Let’s not forget Simon Hughes – present Leader of the Lib-Dems – he did random sex via sex-adverts (but did not pay for it). What say you Ms. Willott? Does rent boy sex suggest same old Lib-Dems?

    What of Simon Hughes attack on Peter Tatchell with the "straight choice" campaign leaflet? Peter Tatchell has more dignity in one finger than Simon Hughes, particularly in view of his inhuman attack on Peter Tatchell. Peter Tatchell has stood up to thugs, he is a very brave man, a hero in my book. One newspaper noted that Simon Hughes’ team actions led to "the dirtiest and most notorious by election in British political history". What say you Ms. Willott about Simon's actions against Peter Tatchell?
