Monday, March 17, 2008

Monday Morning Quiz

If someone walked by your desk for twelve years without so much as uttering the words "good morning", would you think...

a) he had 'issues'
b) he was a bit weird
c) he had 'psychological flaws'
d) he was the future Prime Minister of Great Britain & Northern Ireland
e) all the above


  1. (f) you are the invisible man.

  2. Having read your item and Guido`s on Brown`s "erudition" of financial and other matters. There is definitely no doubt that truth is stranger than fiction. Anyone crafting a story based on facts as as you illustrated would be writing for the `Dandy or Beano`

    The mind boggles!!!


  3. Gosh - the two top men in a powerful organisation sometimes yelled at each other! Now that would never happen in any other organisation now would it? I'm sure, for example, that Saint Margaret Thatcher never got even the slightest bit cross with anyone did she?

  4. g) he was a lousy politician not to realise that treating people that way always comes back to bite you in the arse sooner or later

  5. Powell is certainly a bit weird.

    Maybe Brown was just being cautious - after all if Powell is giving interviews now who knows what he might have revealed if Brown had been more 'intimate'?

    What a dreadful thought.

    But maybe Powell is still doing his old job - of 'positioning' Blair.

    An even more dreadful thought.

  6. I would have said someone like that was a rude, illmannered oik - and a fool, because it never does to make enemies if you don't have to.

    Isn't this arrogant rude behaviour coming back to haunt him now - and the rest of his creatures!

  7. I would think "here comes Gordon Brown.

  8. I remember an organisation I once worked for where the CEO and his deputy did not speak for years despite being in adjoining offices.To communicate,one would call his PA in and dictate a memo which she would type and pass to the other's PA who shared an office with her.She would then take it in to her own boss and take down and type the reply etc.Having said that,both were barking....So it's nothing new.

  9. Didn't you work with someone at Doughty Street like that Iain?

  10. I think it is outrageous, ill mannered, petty etc etc. Jonathan Powell was working for the PM and for the good of the country - he was not an enemy. There is no ending to the grudges GB held and holds and it is little wonder that the polls are showing that they are losing confidence in the government. It is down to the leader - will Labour MPs eventually realise this? I am delighted - I hate coups and individuals who are so eaten by ambition and jealousy that they lack common courtesy. They never prosper.

  11. Perhaps Gordon didn't feel like indulging in false bonhomie, given that Powell had had conversations with journalists in which he described Brown's career as a "Shakespearean tragedy" and predicted he would never become Prime Minister.

    I am surprised Paddy Hennessey omitted to mention this in his original article.

  12. Iain.

    It does not mean that they cannot operate as a 'team'.

    You are a footballing fan. Sherringham and Cole did not speak to each other for years yet still played together and passed to each other.

    Sadly bad manners, childishness and stupidity are not reserved for politicians. The very very sad fact is that we are now lumbered with a very bad mannered,childish,petulant prime minister.

    God help us all in a real crisis....he will be utterly useless.

  13. The point is, Brown is still at it. His behaviour now is no better and probably worse, than when he was cutting Jonathan Powell. Every day he makes a new enemy. Not wise, in a politician.

  14. anonymous at 10.00 AM

    You're being unfair to the Dandy and the Beano--their characters are much more credible than the erstwhile inhabitant of No.11.

  15. The fact that the Labour party chose Brown shows what a dearth of talent there is on their benches.

  16. Or he couldn't stand the man he was walking past and was honest enough not to indulge in insincere pleasantries?

    I think Mr Powell's 'revelation' says more about him than it does about Mr Brown.

  17. I would think you had a very long desk.

  18. Definitely c) he had 'psychological flaws'

    unsworth: 'Powell is certainly a bit weird.'

    Personally I find most senior Labour people weird, thats not a valid reason for them to ignore each other though.

  19. Why do you not talk about China. You are acting like tyrants buddy.

  20. Edland - Yes, indeed. Just look at them. Sleazy tenty-raters every one.

    It's astounding. Look at Ed Balls's fat, self-regarding, dishonest face.

    Look at Brown, standing up in Parliament and telling lie after lie (between picking his nose).

  21. If someone walked by your desk for twelve years ...

    ...I would think them a very slow walker.

  22. It's (a) isn't it? He's got 'issues' hasn't he? Is it allowed to discuss Gordon Brown's 'issues' on this blog?

  23. Hatfield girl: It would appear not...
