Friday, March 07, 2008

Lady Thatcher Taken to Hospital

I gather the BBC is reporting that Lady Thatcher has been taken to hospital for what they say are 'precautionary tests'.

Every one I know who has met Lady T recently has raved about what good form she has been in. Let's hope it is nothing serious.


  1. I wish her well. It will be a dark day when she passes she means so much to our country.

    The scurrilous scumbag George Galloway has already stuck his lefty knife in by saying on his TalkSport show tonight "...she wouldn't have beeen taken to hospital with a heart attack". Mr G, Mrs T has shown this country more heart than you ever could.

  2. We all wish her well. [And we don't want to give the Left a chance to cheer at her demise.]

  3. May the Good Lord bless Lady Thatcher. May she live many a long year and live on in what she did for us all - no matter what class or creed.

    From Adam Johns
    Cardiff, South Wales

  4. Statement from the hospital says she is talking to staff, and is being kept in for observation. Everyone who saw her a couple of weeks ago at CCHQ commented how well she looked, and let us hope this is just another scare. It is a tribute to her greatness how much media interest she can still command. Get well soon, Lady T.

  5. The sainted Lady will go down in history,( especially if I write the book,) as being the last major world politician to go down fighting The New World Order.

    Stabbed in the back by our own British establishment. Hounded by the BBC since day one. Insulted by every brainwashed lefty in the world. Which of course is all of them.

    A hero of our time. Possibly our only honest British political hero EVER. She had more balls then the whole Conservative Party put together.

    But it must be said. That without her trusted generals, Tebbit and Joseph she most likely would not have lasted past her first term.

    When Thatcher gos there should be a State Funeral. But even if there is not, I will be there whatever it takes.

    ATLAS shrugged

  6. The Guadian leads with Ex PM That... As is no one knows she was PM.

  7. Get well soon Maggie

  8. When reporting Margaret Thatcher's hospitalisation, ITV News showed newsreel of her tearful departure from Downing Street (showed it twice), an unflattering family photo with Mark Thatcher prominent, and photos of her with Pinochet. Clearly some politically motivated ITV editor thought this was a good opportunity to do some damage. It was despicable and unedifying.

  9. Imagine how much better things would be today if Maggie had remained at No.10.

    I just heard she's okay and she's now leaving the hospital.

    God bless her.

  10. It will indeed be a dark day for this country when she leaves the stage finally. But hopefully not for years yet. She dominated this country for more than a decade and changed it immeasurably for the better, though she made some mistakes (the Single European Act and joining the ERM in particular). And there were plenty of moments of brilliance, for example when she defied Scargill and Galtieri. My favourite lesser-known moment was on the 200th anniversary of the French revolution. Other world leaders sent in platitudinous good wishes, but Margaret remarked, "it took us 200 years to get rid of the legacy of the French Revolution. We don't want another one." Good health to her for many years yet!

  11. Yes Margaret Thatcher will go down in history,just like Admiral Horthy.

  12. Maggie will never die... she's actually a Hindu Time Lord and will regenerate!

  13. Iain, must you. No-one really wishes ill to the woman, not even Galloway, but this sort of slavering only draws out the blinkered worshippers, with their almost unparodiable caterwauling about the greatest Prime Minister of all time, what a black day it will be when she passes, etc.

    There was no post like this at the illness of Lord Pym, a towering figure in the history of the Tory Party responsible single-handedly for the excellent achievement of whipping the European Communities Bill through the House of Commons. There is no-one else who can set off such drawn-breath gasps at the slightest sniffle.

    When will you realise - no-one outside the hardcore ever worshipped at the feet of this woman, or any other politician, and doing so 18 years after she cleared out of Downing Street only makes you and the Tory Party look inane, backward-looking, and out of touch with modern life.

    That said, I hope she gets well soon. But only in the sense that I hope anyone ill gets well soon.

  14. Iain Dale says

    "I gather the BBC is reporting that Lady Thatcher has been taken to hospital for what they say are 'precautionary tests'...Let's hope it is nothing serious."

    and this elicits the following response from "Anonymous" 1:03

    [Do you have to talk about her, I don't like it, nobody wishes her ill, but I disagreed with her policies so I would prefer it if you did not mention her]

    What a neat demonstration of her pathetic character of her critics

  15. dont write her obituary too soon - Lady Thatcher goes on and on....and hopefully will for a good couple of decades.

    But when she finally does I will be amongst the first to yell out Brava! at her funeral.

  16. anon 1:03pm.

    I assume there are more than the dedicated few. I remember protesting outside St Catherine's college in Cambridge yelling "Maggie, Maggie, Maggie, Out, Out, Out" in 1990 with the best of them. It was the SWP urging us to storm the barricades that was my epiphany. She stood for democracy, they stood for boring idiocy. Changed my political opinion. I "got it" as they say.
