Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Jack Straw to Save the Great British Sausage?

As usual today the government ate into an Opposition Day debate (on Iraq) by scheduling an hour long statement. Again, as usual it was Jack Straw's Ministry of Justice which was just bursting to make some annoucement or other - no one can quite remember what about. Straw is fast becoming the Jim Hacker of this government, with his Ministry increasingly resembling Hacker's 'catch-all' Department of Administrative Affairs. How long before Straw saves the Great British Sausage?!


  1. Oh heck, does that mean that when Gordo totally loses the plot (around late May when BoJo wins London), Straw becomes 'Yes, Prime Minister'?

  2. Straw saving the sausage would make a pleasant change after Blunkett and Prescott spent so much time hiding it.

  3. And he is trying the old 'the House of Lords isn't broken, so let me try and fix it' routine as well. As if there hasn't been enough tinkering around with the British constitution in the last decade...

  4. nick, Jack has a reputation as a swordsman too.

  5. ... And becomes Prime Minister, as happened to Mr Hacker? Oh god.

  6. The Conservatives can't have it both ways, complaining that major policy isn't announced in a statement and then complaining when it is and the statement is on an Opposition day. There never used to be statements every time a major white paper was published; this Government is far more accountable to Parliament than any other has been.

  7. For that matter, how long before Straw makes an appearance on the Today programme and answers a straight question?

    Listening to him with John Humphreys on Tuesday morning was agonising. He used every trick in the book to duck and cover and change the subject. The only thing listeners learned was the government has a lot to hide.

  8. In the words of Matin Luther, "Here I stand. I can do no other!"

  9. Yep, Yes Minister WAS closer to reality than first thought! Next, the Scottish contingent (Brown and Browne)from the Government will be in Saudi Arabia sneaking in Bell's & The Famous Grouse in the diplomatic bag sneaking off for a 'drinkie'! Yep, they can sell our national sovereignty, but by God, if the EU mess with a meat product of questionable quality( & Skawtish Mince-not Brown, the meat product) then Team Brown bounce into action...

  10. David Boothroyd said...

    " ... this Government is far more accountable to Parliament than any other has been."

    He's stopped taking his tablets!

  11. Straw is one of the few politicians who runs rings round Humphrys.

    By far the worst interviewee is Dawn Primarolo. I am surprised that Brown allows her to speak on radio or TV.
