Monday, March 10, 2008

Isaby Gets New Telegraph Gossip Column

I've just learned that it's all change at the Spy Column at the Telegraph. In fact, it is ceasing to be. The Sunday Telegraph Mandrake column will take over, under the continuing editorship of Tim Walker.

Celia Walden is moving to feature writing, while the irrepressible Jonathan Isaby (pic left) has been given his own five day a week political gossip column, called Three Line Whip, continuing the branding of the blog of the same name.


  1. this was reported in media guardian last week. tuesday i think.

  2. First I heard of it. Congrats to Jonathan for getting his own column.

  3. So who has won in the showdown between 'Beauty and the Breasts' ?

  4. This is from Isaby's facebook mini-feed:

    March 6
    Jonathan will be editing the Daily Telegraph's forthcoming new political diary, Three Line Whip - it's official!7:02pm

    Jonathan wrote a note.7:01pm Excerpt from Daily Telegraph press release, March 6th 2008
    "The Daily Telegraph announces a new political column, Three Line Whip. The column, building on the success of the blog, will report on political gossip and Westminster intrigue. It will be edited by Jonathan Isaby, currently Deputy Editor of Spy.
    Continue Reading...

  5. Celia Walden , that ripe fruit of nepotism tree is about as useless as the rest of the of inbred bores they have at the DT. That Spy column is so abysmal it would be improved by the inclusion of random words, I read it muttering ..”so what ...know that....oh get on with it ...” .Sam Leith same thing , the Gordon gel ... another; do they think they should be bred like show Ponies.

    It’s a great paper, great letters, sport , news and the political comment is top notch. When it strays from its core strengths though it is like someone’s Maiden Aunt dancing or Brown pretending to like the Arctic Monkeys .

    Perhaps this will be an improvement

  6. That'll be knocking the small earthquake in Chile off the front page, then.

  7. Who ate all the Spy (s)
    Who ate all the Spy (s)
    You fat ...and so on

  8. newmania -give the devil his due, the comment stuff might be tosh, but at least Jan Moir's column stands out like a beacon of good sense in the middle of all that dross.

  9. The Spy Column just trevia like the DT is becomming. You find better information on Guy Fawkes blog.

  10. It WAS a great paper. It's now just another collection of folded up toilet roll.

  11. Urgh. URRRGGHHHHH. Don't get me started...!!!

  12. Celia Walden. Isn't she the one who thinks 50 year-old men shouldn't wear jeans?

  13. Jan Moir a beacon of good sense? Hers is the kind of loathsome me-me journalism that made me give up buying papers.

  14. Isaby is wasted on diary stories. He is actually a bloody good writer, and was a great loss to the beeb when he left to join the DT.

    The girth of his talent however is only eclipse by the size of his ego (and the size of his waistline).

    He does however have a great self deprecating sense of humour, so he won't mind me saying any of that! I'd like to see him write proper stuff though - not the tosh he trots out for Spy!

  15. Jonathan Isaby?

    Ha ha!

    Great news for Private Eye, methinks.

  16. The Times editorial policy I agree is a bit weak but they seem to have got the best conservative commentators like Michael Gove and Dan Finkelstein writing for them at the moment.

    A bit of a sea change for the grey lady. Also really interesting left/right wing writers like David Aaronovitch seem to write really well written articles as well. I actually find myself finding it quite interesting to read again. Must admit I have found The Times a bit boring in the last few years. Interesting.
