Monday, March 31, 2008

Great Graphs of Our Time: No 94


  1. woah i just showed this to my friend yesterday.

  2. ...but is crap compared to the genius of

  3. I tried That Once.

    Never again.

    The Horror! The Horror!


  4. You're showing your age old chap. I suspect many of your readers will not be familiar with Meatlof's song

  5. That is hysterical! Thank you!

  6. Well at least your postings appeal to Verity.

  7. Anon 3.50 - Are you saying Iain's readers will be too old or too young for Bat 2? Its only about 15yrs ago.

    Seriously depressed now :-(

  8. Peter North - She's very funny.

    3:50 - Meat Loaf is a cult. Even I have heard of this song and I loathe rock and roll.

  9. Meat Loaf is NOT rock and roll, he's bad pop.

  10. The graph came from the recent competition on graphs.


    There's a lot more amusement to be had.

  11. Does anyone actually know what it is that Meatloaf wouldn't do for love?

    I think we should should be told!

  12. I'm sorry, I thought this read "Things Iain Dale would do to get onto Question Time"

    ... but then, only you know what That is...

  13. matt thanks for that

    to my shame I found the "things that would impress Shania Twain" made me laugh loudest

    Adrian - you dont wanna know

  14. ...saying that, maybe David Dimbleby also knows what That is... ;)

  15. anyone else thinking slow news day? :)

    oh and i agree with anon that it's bad pop.

    oh and iain, the picture link at the top of your main blog page is broken.

  16. VERY slow news day.

    Wasn't this in a Focus leaflet in North Norfolk? Wrong sort of chart maybe.

  17. Annon 7.26: God, it must be bad - vote Labour maybe? I wouldn't do that for love or money.

    Well, money maybe.

    But it would have to be a lot of money! We're talking Ecclostone-esque amounts!

  18. 5:38 - Oh. OK. I definitely hate rock and roll, though.

    People should go to Peter North's link. The cartoonist is quite funny.

  19. If you think Meat isn't rock but bad pop then you haven't listened to Bat 3 yet, which is, in my humble (and anonymous) opinion, the best Bat yet.

    Listen to The Monster is Loose, Blind as a Bat, and even that cover of the Celine Dion song and tell me that isn't rock and roll!!!

  20. There is this song lyric

    "I will swim in the Red River but I will not take a drink."

    I think its means you'd vote for Labour but you wouldnt actually join the party???

  21. So Verity says that she loathes rock and roll?

    Well that shatters the image I had of her as the original "rock chick."

    Twinset and pearls, instead?

  22. Celine Dionne is worse than rock and roll.

  23. His wife appears on one of his albums, credited as 'Leslie Loaf'.

  24. 9:53 Do twin sets still exist? I thought they went the way of the bustle.

  25. Verity:

    They still exist in my local enclave of the Conservative Party (which is also known as the Ladies section of my golf club.)

    Admit it, Verity, I'll bet you have a nice string of pearls in your wardrobe....they're the mark of a lady.

    P.S. You're right about that ghastly Canadian Celine Dionne.

  26. 1:00 a.m. A brave man, and I assume you are a man because your conclusions are so inept, who makes a leap of assumption about the contents of woman's wardrobe and jewellery box.

    Pearls. Icky. Never.

    Please go away somewhere and confine yourself to the contents of your own wardrobe and bathroom - and thank you for not sharing them with us.

  27. That has long been a mystery.

    But I like Meatloaf. And rock and roll. And Celine Dionne.

  28. So Verity confirms what most of us already suspected....a lady she is not.

  29. Listen to some decent stuff like Iron Maiden and Judas Priest.

  30. Anon

    How could you possibly suggest that Verity is the sort of woman who would like a pearl necklace!?

    I'm shocked.

  31. 10:51 - You are either an American or affecting to be one. We do not use the term "lady" in its fawning provincial American sense.

    If Celine Dionne's all we've got to trash, I'm off this boring thread on which silly men, who are far from au fait courture-wise, put their put forward their uninformed, outdated thoughts about the contents of the wardrobe of a woman they have never seen. They're so behind the times that they don't even know what a good fashion insult would be these days.

  32. Asquith - I am with you on Iron Maiden! I would add Pink Floyd as well.

    But I really don't understand why all the harsh words over Celine Dion! I quite like her.

    I'm sorry - but someone has to say it!

  33. Verity, I must say that I'm awed by your obvious superiority. Why can't I be like you?
