Sunday, March 09, 2008

EXCLUSIVE: LibDem MP to Defy Clegg on Europe - Again

More trouble for Calamity Clegg. In a comment on the previous thread on this blog, maverick LibDem MP John Hemming reveals he plans to defy the LibDem whip once again and vote against the Third Reading of the Lisbon Treaty Bill. It is rumoured also that his fellow LibDem MP Mike Hancock may well do the same. Hemming writes...
The 1972 European Communities Act means that for certain subjects European Statute takes precedence (hence parliament is not supreme for that purpose). If we are going to repeal this act we should do it explicitly. Incidentally the Lisbon Treaty allows leaving the EU. I am still likely to vote against 3rd Reading on the basis of the absence of the referendum, but I do support our membership of the EU and the 1972 Act (passed when I was 12).

Ok, the news that John Hemming intends to vote down the Treaty may not be earthshattering, but it signals that the LibDems problems on this issue are far from over, as their votes in the House of Lords will amply demonstrate.


  1. Please please please avail yourself of the BBC Listen Again feature for 'Broadcasting House' to listen to a spoof satirical commentary of Nick Clegg [ski instructor extrodinaire..], voiced by an actual Ski Sunday presenter. It is about half an hour in, so if you can fast forward to about 28 minutes in, you are sure to catch it. The final punch line is worth the licence fee alone.

    I wish I had the technology to package it up as an audio file for Iain to link to, but sadly I am a bit of a Luddite in this arena..

  2. Confirmed Iain. Hancock is quoted in Portsmouth as saying he will vote against too.

  3. Any update on why John Maples didn't vote for a referendum Ian?

    In true Mrs Merton style:
    Just what is it about head of candidates John Maples that leaves him the only person not to vote for the referendum not to be slated by you, candidate-wannabe, Mr Dale?

    Almost as bad as Guido quietly removing his brag about being on Bloomberg when he found out that you and 1500 bloggers are on there, but they appear to have stopped taking his stories...

  4. Unlike Gummer and Clarke he didn't actually vote against a referendum. But anyone, your point doesn't really hold water as I have said that I won't be applying for any seats now. So stick that where the sun don't shine!

  5. As we approach Third Reading of the illiberal and antidemocratic Lisbon Treaty, all eyes are now on the Lib Dem MPs Mike Hancock and John Hemming.

    Will they vote against it? Will the anti-Maastricht Nick Harvey and the Masstricht abstainer Simon Hughes? Will everyone who objects to the transfer of yet further legislative power to a body which meets in secret and publishes no Official Report? And will everyone concerned for the fisheries of Scotland and the West Country?

    If not, why not?

  6. "So stick that where the sun don't shine!

    You are a cruel man, Mr Dale. You've gone and robbed a worried LibDem in a marginal seat of a decent majority! ;-)

    But please keep up your excellent bashing of Calamity Clegg.

  7. I have still not finally made up my mind about the 3rd reading. It is more likely now that I will not support the bill on 3rd reading rather than vote against.

    That is more akin to my position on the second reading.
