Thursday, March 27, 2008

David Cameron Has a Nice Bum says a Daily Mirror hackette. Firm thighs too, apparently. Anyway, must get back to my Telegraph column...


  1. That's quite enough about your "column" thanks Iain. I've now got an unwanted little mental picture of Dave and your "column" together.

  2. While your at the Telegraph have a word with Liam Halligan author of House Prices Won't fall
    I had to check it wasn't the 1st April. Readers catch this before it is pulled and READ the comments. Very very funny. I'm sticking to my 20% fall but I could be wrong and 30% might have been safer.
    Freedom to Prosper

  3. By God, Iain are you an alkie? The ONLY reason for this topic must have come from ineabrieated inspiration! Btw- i STILL think LibbieDem blogger Rob Fenwick is 'quite fetching'!

  4. Too bad his brain is so soft and flabby. If he haa a firm rear end, that's because he's got cyclist's bottom - an intensely unappealing physical condition.

  5. The mark of a cyclist. :-)

  6. Iain;

    Both you and the Mirror are incorrect.He actually has 193 bums,formally known as Her Majesty's Opposition!

  7. Annon 12.27. We have just been called by an estate agent in Hampshire to tell us that a property we were looking at in November priced £190,000 is now on the market for £150,000!

    Bloody glad we didn't buy it now!

  8. I believe those people talking down the market are simply dying to get in at the bottom.

    When Lawson announced the abolition of double mortgage relief, the market went absolutely mad. Anyone who had been planning to buy, did so immediately. The day after it ended , the market stopped dead. That was August 1989.
    Those most vulnerable - the first time buyers buying in pairs - were the ones who suffered most.

    This time, there's been no mad dash to the cliff edge, so there'll be fewer distressed sales.

    Mis-valuing houses has always gone on - mine was initially on the market for £30k more than I paid, and that was 2005, right in the middle of a boom.

    Probably saw you coming, Adrian.

  9. I think Ed Vaizey is cuter, he's adorable :)

  10. What about Virginia BOTTOMley?
    (Virginia Hilda Brunette Maxwell Bottomley, Baroness Bottomley of Nettlestone ) any views on her bum?
    freedom to prosper
    PS Got to dash as I want to buy a house and catch the MFI sale before it ends

  11. generally unfunny attempts to capitalise on Cameron's bum comment so here is another Joan Armitrading hit I missed out in another post that may be relevant:

    "Bottom to the Top"

  12. Shame about the chin and man boobs however!

  13. Adrian Yalland
    A property in Hampshire for £150k?
    Is it on an allotment?

  14. I think Cameron would look better with a moustache.

  15. Tony Blair has mega man-boobs. Anyone who clocked those photos of Blair lying on the deck of someone's yacht in the Caribbean will have doubled over in helpless merriment.

  16. Freedom to Prosper
    as predicted the Telegraph's "House prices won't fall" story has been replaced by
    an article about house prices FALLING. Have a nice day


    It's still there, Freedom to Prosper's invisible liar friend!
