Thursday, March 06, 2008

The Daley Dozen: Thursday

1. Hopi Sen on the triumph of the Tory Euro Sceptics.
2. Cranmer wonders which LibDems will be joining the Dead Parrot Society.
3. Stephen Pollard has an encounter with Gordon's little helper on a train. It's hilarious!
4. Burning our Money on an encounter with a Tory MP "previously thought to be of sound mind".
5. Cassilis: In praise of Danny Finkelstein.
6. Matthew Elliott: Why Danny Finkelstein is wrong.
7. Shane Greer laments his day courtesy of the NHS. As well he might, seeing as I am paying him to work for me!
8. LibDem Voice reports Nick Clegg saying he wants recall elections ... a week after 27 Tory MPs suggested the very same thing.
9. Nich Starling has just written the blogpost I was about to write. Spooky.
10. Dan Hannan takes a contrarian view of Ian Paisley.
11. Cicero's Songs asks what's in a Macedonian name?
12. Kerron Cross reports victory over priority service for MPs.


  1. The Burning our Money anchor links to a Speccy article.

    I think the correct url is:

  2. (This is the first time I've ever used this sentence, and I'm almost certainly never going to use it again) Burning Our Money has the right idea. People on the Stoke-Manchester train are always using their silly laptops and talking about their important business deals and what not, but it doesn't impress anyone. The other passengers look at each other with raised eyebrows. I personally think they're just talking to the speaking clock.

  3. I wish you'd think of another title for this synopsis of the blogosphere, Iain. Whenever I see it, my first thought is always of Janet Daley.

  4. "I wish you'd think of another title for this synopsis of the blogosphere, Iain. Whenever I see it, my first thought is always of Janet Daley."

    My first thought is of Arthur Daley together with an image of 12 dodgey motors lined up on the forecourt.
