Monday, March 10, 2008

The Daley Dozen: Monday

1. Vicky Ford is on the campaign trail all over East Anglia. I'd vote for her!
2. Donal Blaney outlines the Seven Deadly Sins for a Tory leader... followed by Too Much Pussy (ahem)
3. Jon Craig on the consequences of a shrinking Tory poll lead.
4. Tim Worstall on the idiot BBC question of the day.
5. Paul Linford is Talking Balls. Ed Balls for PM! Noooooooooot.
6. Rosa Prince says Gordon and Mandy are still daggers drawn.
7. Civil Servants are to get advice on blogs and social networks ... from civil servants.
8. Ministry of Truth asks you to name a famous Kevin. Apart from Keegan.
9. Matthew Elliott & Corin Taylor on the huge growth of public spending under Labour.
10. The deaf couple blind to common sense, according to Tory Radio.
11. Nadine Dorries on very different reactions to a teenage death.
12. Guido on Labour's unfit for office new General Secretary.


  1. For Donal's post - agree with every word. He's understood the battle.

    Silly, ghastly David Cameron has not. In fact, Cameron gets. everything. wrong.

  2. For what it's worth access to Facebook, Youtube etc. is blocked from within the networks of most government departments anyway. People could of course post stuff when they are sat at home, but it's not as if there's a hive of social networking activity in the civil service that needs to be stamped on.

    Civil Serf clearly has strong views so she would be better working outside the civil service!

  3. That Civil Serf story doesn't matter one jot or one tittle to 99% of people. If it happened in a private business, you wouldn't be there. It's not a free speech issue, just another stick for the Daily Mail crowd to beat the public sector with. People are always being disciplined for blogging about their employers, and no one has raised a fuss until now.
