Monday, March 03, 2008

The Daley Dozen: Monday

1. LibDem blogging bitchfight. Norfolk Blogger v The Rest. Seconds out Round 2 courtesy of Love & Liberty.
2. Edland plays fantasy politics and has a pop at me along the way. And why not.
3. Three Line Whip on Labour crying to teacher about the beastly Dave.
4. Gavin Whenman recalls the halcyon days of Labour smears against the LibDems. Wait till Wednesday and see history repeat itself.
5. CentreRight highlights a new low in health advertising.
6. Quaequam relishes causing a bit of trouble for the LibDem leadership. Don't we all.
7. Chicken Yoghurt on the government ministers who just can't be arsed.
8. Tim Montgomerie breaks the law ... and then complains about being caught!
9. Nick Clegg just keeps on digging, says the Spectator Coffee House.
10. When Boris met Dave. Dave Hill.
11. Gordon's got a good joke. Which he tells over...and over...and over again, reports Guido.
12. Jon Craig congratulates Alan Duncan. As do we all. I hope.

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