Friday, March 28, 2008

The Daley Dozen: Friday

1. Little Bulldogs says Ken has admitted he has let Londoners down.
2. GegeLovesPolitics is perplexed by the activities of the ex Nigerian President.
3. City Unslicker thinks Sarkozy wants Britain to pick up his nuclear decommissioning tab.
4. The First Post reckons Gordon is in panic mode and is about to contradict his new CoS on attacking Dave.
5. Cranmer exposes the unwritten law of blasphemy.
6. Patrick Hennessy on John Major's strange syntax.
7. Kevin Maguire is impressed by Brown speaking without notes. Funny he castigated Dave for doing the same thing.
8. Bob Piper and Kevin Maguire fall out over declining Labour Party membership figures.
9. Paul Walter thinks Nick Clegg hasn't put a foot wrong in his first 100 days. Oh, did I mention he was writing on LibDem Voice?
10. Paul Waugh on Ken and the "bleedin' media".
11. Anthony Barnett asks if the web is like a bad pub?
12. Party Political Animal on why Gordon deliver sweet F A.


  1. I noted with rye amusement this morning on Lord Malloch-Brown, when seeing his contribution on the parliament channel in a debate on Zimbabwe. A particular point stuck out to me – (Lord Malloch-Brown) the electoral register is not accurate; the electoral commission is not independent; and the opposition parties are not permitted to campaign. These features he has mentioned are all either implemented by the Labour in this country or proposed by Labour MP’s i.e. the prevention of campaigning of Tories by not allowing them to campaign between elections. :lol: - :lol: - :lol: So an unelected peer appointed by an unelected and mandatless manipulator (Brown) . Lectures on democracy – I would laugh if it was not such a series subject.

    I have copied and pasted the contents Lord Malloch-Brown contribution below:

    27 Mar 2008 : Column 626

    The Minister of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office (Lord Malloch-Brown): My Lords, the conditions for elections in Zimbabwe are poor: the electoral register is not accurate; the electoral commission is not independent; and the opposition parties are not permitted to campaign and hold rallies freely nor are they being given fair access to media. It is important for the credibility of those that do send observers that they ensure that Zimbabwe’s election meets the SADC principles and guidelines.

  2. one thing i loved about Bob Pipers Blog is the 'Blogs i like' lists. he lists them under the categories of:

    Wishy-washy Liberals


  3. 7. "Kevin Maguire is impressed by Brown speaking without notes. Funny he castigated Dave for doing the same thing."

    He wasn't castigating Cameron for speaking without notes but for claiming that it was off the cuff, whereas it was written by a Tory speechwriter and was much rehearsed.

    Brown's speech was probably written for him and was rehearsed but he didn't try to pretend otherwise.
