Sunday, March 09, 2008

The Consequences of being Called a 'Racist C***'

Graeme Archer is one of the most edudite writers on ConservativeHome. Their readers are today exhorted "If you read just one article on ConHome today, read Graeme Archer's platform piece about the breakdown of order in our schools." Having read it, I can see why. It paints a horrifying picture of what is happening in inner city London but then goes on to propose solutions. Read it HERE.


  1. It's a sad story.

    Dame Suzi Leather, quango babe and Labour Party apparatchik, has told the private school sector they must take more poorer children on their books. She is doing this in her position as Chairman of the Charity Commission, which states

    "all organisations wishing to be recognised as charities must demonstrate that their aims are for the public benefit".

    This statement is vague and open to interpretation and abuse. It means only what politicians want it to mean, and in this case, Leather is acting as a mouthpiece for Labour who are filled with hatred for the private schools sector, despite many of their number who send their kids to fee paying schools.

    Labour came in to power and made it more difficult for poorer kids to attend fee schools by abolishing the assisted places scheme.

    As the Archer article implies, anybody with any money or any gumption is getting out of shitholes like Hackney. This is leaving huge swathes of the most poor and the most helpless people, and it is all a direct consequence of Labour's existentialist inpired dogma.

  2. Iam shocked that this is news to you Iain. I recall when I told you I was leaving London and going to Lewes you said "Why would you want to go there ..? "

    How could anyone with a family possibly stay in London unless they could afford private school

  3. Iain,

    Unlike Tim you acknowledge this is an inner-city problem and not one found in all our schools. Thank you. I would post this on ConHome, but I would be attacked as a lefty who does not understand the problem.

  4. The fact that these situations have arisen is witness to the failure of those who are at the helm of our education system. They are at heart Liberal Socialists who believe in the goodness of folk and their own right to tell everyone what to do, even though they know nothing about the process. Folk are not wholly good nor do those from a particular political culture have the solution to all our problems (that’s why we have a democracy) Strange as it will seem to them there are people who do know the answer, they are not of the political classes but the doing classes. They are not lawyers (at least few are), trade unionists, spin doctors or civil servants. They are the people who work on industrial production lines, deliver cargo from across the ocean, and work in our civil defence and armed services, and financial service sector and schools. Discipline is not an add on option it is essential for the efficient cost effective success of the process. Discipline is absolute; the only dispute with it can be if it is not fairly and evenly applied to everyone, there an appeal to a head teacher might be allowed but the benefit of doubt is with the person in charge. The reason the schools are in such a mess is the political class are strangers to the concept of discipline; it is entirely their fault, they do not have the answer and should leave the education of children to professionals. Head teachers should have un-appeallble authority to expel troublemakers, they should demand and receive respect from parents and children (as should all teachers) No child should walk into a school and believe for one minute they can circumvent the rules or the purpose of the establishment. Parents and child should understand that expulsion is very serious and the consequences dire. I can guarantee that within a few months of proper discipline being established the school will be a much happier place for pupils, teachers and parents.

  5. Not a suprise to anyone who ahs children in London.Myself and Mrs. N knew for yeasrs it would not be possible to stay in Lonmdon and that was true of many oters .

    Its nopt as if its asudden "Oh my god "...the possibility fo staying has disappeared and everyone knows it

  6. "As the Archer article implies, anybody with any money or any gumption is getting out of shitholes like Hackney. This is leaving huge swathes of the most poor and the most helpless people, and it is all a direct consequence of Labour's existentialist inpired dogma."

    Although Hackney is one of the poorer London boroughs, there are far more middle class people there than at any time in the last 150 years. It is still attracting large numbers of middle class City workers.
