Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Cleggies are Back at Henley

Remember THIS post last week about the relationship between the LibDems and Henley Management Centre? Well, my spies tell me that Mr Clegg and his core team are back there this evening for an intensive 48 hour long 'away day' session.

What on earth can they be planning, which entails spending so long at Henley every few months? They certainly must have come into some money to pay for it, as Henley revealed to me last week that the LibDems are paying higher than the average daily delegate rate. Expect some questions to be asked about this at their next Finance Committee meeting.


  1. I can't imagine why the Liberal Democrats are spending so much in Henley-on-Thames. Maybe they know something you don't.

    Second preference, old boy?

  2. Weren't you involved in something similar for the Conservatives last year?

  3. I think I would remember that. I have never been on a Shadow Cabinet away day. I think the nearest would be doing 20 mminutes to a group of Tory agents on the delights of new media. Not sure that really meets the criteria!

  4. EU money has funded many a 'research' project at well as British government departmental money.

    e.g. as evidenced by these bios.$FILE/Facilitation_1206_SpeakerBios.pdf

    Wheels within wheels.

  5. Iain Dale said...
    "I think I would remember that. I have never been on a Shadow Cabinet away day. I think the nearest would be doing 20 mminutes to a group of Tory agents on the delights of new media."

    I had in mind your "Young Britons" workshops.

  6. Now that really is funny. You are seriously equating a YBF training conference with the LibDem Shadow cabinet away day?! I don't know which them would be more insulted!

    And as a point of record, the YBF is totally separate from the Conservative Party and I am on its advisory board.

  7. The Liberal Democrats are an utterly pointless parliamentary party... according to the Liberal Democrats. According to the Lib Dem Focus newsletter I got through my letterbox this morning, it's only worth voting for the top two candidates of the last election - "the other parties can't win here" (in large type on the back). They said that about the 3rd place party in my previous constituency so I assume it's standardised propaganda. Is that what they come up with at these meetings? If they truly believed that then they must find it miraculous that they have any MPs at all!

  8. Iain Dale said...
    "Now that really is funny. You are seriously equating a YBF training conference with the LibDem Shadow cabinet away day?! "

    I admit that the YBF group would have been more mature.

  9. Maybe they know about Gordon's Electoral reform proposals than we think??

  10. Perhaps they are using it to hide covert canvassing in anticipation of Boris winning in London !!
