Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Another Day, Another LibDem Defection...

This time in the LibDem held seat of Westmorland... More HERE.


  1. He doesn't sound very "leading" to me. And if he imagines the Tories are green he has only to read this site, the "environment" section on ConHome, and various right-wing bloggers. They don't even try to be green, let alone have any success in the field. We'll be sharpening the knives for him at the next election.

  2. Unfortunately, the next General Election will be won decisively by the Apathy Party of Great Britain, with the Conservative/Greenpeace Alliance coming a distant second.

    But you Iain, will never ever be bothered to understand why...

  3. There have been at least three Liberal Democrat parties on South Lakeland Council for as long as I can remember. I doubt anyone will notice.

  4. http://www.southlakeland.gov.uk/default.aspx?page=794&tblMemberID=107

    he definatly looks like a lib dem!

  5. Judging on recent results and how hyperactive their MP is, this is a seat when I can't see this mattering at all.

  6. Until the last election, the Tories held this seat since practically the beginning of time. It was their complacency and the usual hyper-activity of the Lib Dems which lost it. The Tories should be increasing their hold over seats like these - people here are conservative with a small "c" - not whooping with joy because one Lib Dem has defected. A long way to go, Iain.

  7. Is Asquith actually 1970's 'soft porn' star Robin Asquith- or a twatty Liberal Democrat? Who cares! Btw, if Asquith thinks the Libbies are 'green' i could not agree more. If he's on about their 'environmental credentials' it's funny how 'green' the Libbies became after the 1989 Euro elections!

  8. Never mind the LibDems - have a look at the Guardian readers' response to Polly Toynbee's latest rantings! Labour support is in meltdown.

  9. Oh dear, another loony recruit to our ranks here in South Lakeland.

    From memory this chap had a failing cafe/bistro business in the ward. His plea for inward investment was hardly altruistic.

    Not as it seems

  10. Oh dear, another loony recruit to our ranks here is South Lakeland.

    From memory this chap had a failing cafe/bistro business in the ward. His plea for inward investment was hardly altruistic.

    Not as it seems.

  11. If we are going to have defectors from the Lib Dems, it would nice if their reason for defection was because the Tory party are the party which now represents 'liberal' ideals, rather than because the Tory party is seen as the party most likely to whack-up green taxes and implement other stupid ideas - like a year off courtesy of your employer just for having a baby.

  12. "Simon", since you've reacted to me, you evidently do care. And I pity you if you've never heard of the original Asquith.

  13. Another day, another Lib Dem who cottons on that the Tories have now become the Lib Dems, so he might as well join them.

  14. I thought you said, Iain, that you don't think local cllrs defecting is of much importance? There are plenty of Tories going the other way.

  15. asquith said...
    "Simon", since you've reacted to me, you evidently do care. And I pity you if you've never heard of the original Asquith.

    Surely everyone has heard of the original Asquith.

    "The Asquith was a short-lived English automobile manufactured by a Halifax machine tool works from 1901 to 1902. The car originally had a front-mounted De Dion engine and belt-drive; this last was later replaced by a two-speed gearbox because the belts kept slipping disastrously. Probably only one car was built before the firm decided to concentrate on boring machinery."

    Obviously the 'boring' machinery philosophy was transferred to Liberal politics.

  16. But the Tories also lost a Councillor today "A special election court ruled earlier today that Eshaq Khan and his supporters carried out “corrupt and illegal practices” to secure his election in Slough. A by-election will now be held, and Eshaq Khan has been expelled from the Conservative Part."

  17. I'm taking the proverbial out of you Askwith! As a History Graddie, i HAVE heard of the other Askwith in the mists of time! Btw, i see 'no comment' about my point regarding the Libbies 'new found' green credentials after the 1989 Green Party success in the Euro Elections. What a surprise. I await further 'Confessions from a Liberal Democrat' with baited breath....
