Monday, September 03, 2007

Bercow & Mercer to "Advise" Labour

The contents of this post have been deleted due to the author of the blog transgressing his own 'no swearing' policy. Normal service will be resumed in the next post.


  1. Perhaps now would be a good idea to dig up some of the quotes from the Labour party regarding Patick Mercer's comments about black soldiers?

  2. It ain't over 'til its over, but now its over.

  3. Mr Dale, I hope you aren't going to display the hypocrisy you were just accusing the US Republicans of by the dropping of an old friend just because of some inconvenient news..

  4. gordo is desperate. what does he hope to achieve? nobody is going to fall for the 'all the talents' bullshit are they?

    in a strange way it shows the weakness of brown given he will happily accept slimy oppo mps for his own end.

  5. Does anyone really doubt that if there's a General Election this autumn, Cameron will be absolutely annihilated? The policies just aren't there in enough substance and detail. He's dead - and can only hope he gets another chance for 2011/2012.

  6. Your new banner...

    Reminds me of the dream I had when a 100 foot tall Iain Dale wreaked havoc on the City of Westminster. Luckily Godzilla came to save the day.

  7. I always quite liked John Bercow...

  8. It must have dawned on them about the futility of impotently carping from the sidelines.

    The rest of the Tory party are, needless to say, struggling to get it up. Tory bloggers are the eunuchs attending to this limp harem.

  9. It,s a trap and you have to be a fool to fall for it!He loathes the Conservative Party and will do anything to destroy it.

    I have written to Mercer to tell him so.What is the chance of a reply?

  10. What Brown is actually trying to sell to the people is that: if he is involving the other parties in decision making, what is the point in voting for them? The truth is that Labour do not listen to the people and they will not listen to the opposition. They have rode roughshod over the people's opinion and I cannot see them changing. Brown talks of listening to the people, if that is true where is our referendum on the EU Treaty? Why are they going ahead with road charging? Why are they closing down local A&E and Maternity wards? The truth of the matter is that Labour don't want our opinions, they want us to pay our taxes and just do as we are told.

  11. Where are all the people who said Mercer was a great guy and hammered Cameron for de-ministering him?

    Seems like Mercer is synonymous with muppet....

  12. Bercow I can understand, I'm suprised he hasn't defected. Maybe his wifes nagging about joining Labour hasn't worked yet.
    But Mercer? Surely not. Has he gone stark raving mad.
    His right wing views hold no truck in NuLab.
    On an amusing note didn't a NuLab spinner brief the media about "Mr Mercer not having a place in a modern day political party that wants to take itself seriously........" with reference to his comments about black soldiers.
    I note now that he is working for NuLab and boy do they take themselves very seriously!

  13. Many frantic calls coming to the tory whips office this morning...

  14. "Look after your MPs - if you don't, somebody else will.."

  15. Only Boris can save us now..

  16. I cannot understand how a politician of a different party can agree to "advise" ; "chair" anything that another political party whether in government or not has asked unless they either

    1. Resign from their previous party and if an MP resign and seek re-election under the new party's label.

    2. The body or committee is not political in any sense of the word and that this is clearly laid out in its terms of reference ! If it is then they should act as above

    Methinks it's time for at least one of the gentlemen to "consider their position" or rethink agreeing to join said committee

  17. I am sure all his new labour colleagues will welcome him with open arms, especially the ministers quoted below

    Here goes with some quotes:


    Racist abuse can have no place in any walk of life, and it is appalling and inappropriate for any politician, never mind a senior Tory MP like Patrick Mercer, to suggest that 'this is just the way it is in the Army'.

    Our troops and our officers are 21st century people who recognise that there is no place for prejudice in the modern world... Patrick Mercer may have a military background but he no longer speaks for the Armed Forces.

    It is an insult to the brave men and women who serve in our armed forces with great distinction, and it does not represent a true picture of today's Army which goes to great lengths to ensure that all those who serve, irrespective of their race or ethnic origin are given the opportunity to fulfil their potential


    The comments are breathtaking and dreadful and Mr Mercer's resignation is appropriate


    We are relieved that the leader of the opposition has sacked Patrick Mercer.

    This sends a clear signal that racist attitudes and comments are not acceptable. Grown up modern politics has no place for bigots.

    It is the responsibility of all of us to ensure regressive comments such as these do not undermine the achievements that have been made in race equality over the last 30 years

    Sadiq Khan, a Labour MP, said: "Patrick Mercer's comments are deeply shocking and so is the initial response of Cameron's HQ.

    "Rather than dismissing it as a 'personal matter' David Cameron's Tory Party should have sacked him immediately. This shows that the Conservative Party has not changed."

    The Labour MP Shahid Malik said they showed the Tories remained the "nasty party" and had not changed under Mr Cameron's leadership. "It doesn't matter what they tell you, they still are the nasty, racist, sexist, homophobic party they have been for many, many, many years," he said. "It is going to take a long time to weed out the inherent racism that actually exists in that particular party."

    Alan Johnston

    What is more, however genuine Cameron’s newfound centrism, ‘his party isn’t with him’. Johnson suggests that ‘Patrick Mercer [the Tory frontbencher recently dismissed for allegedly racist comments] better reflects the Tory backbenches, and he’s probably on the liberal side.’

    Keith Vaz

    Keith Vaz MP, Chair of Labour's Ethnic Minority Taskforce, commenting on the actions of Cllr Brian Gordon who 'blacked-up' as Nelson Mandela, said:

    "This sort of behaviour is shocking and completely unacceptable.

    "It is deeply depressing not only that Cllr Brian Gordon blackened his face in an attempt to dress up as Nelson Mandela, but also because the leader of Barnet Council, Mike Freer - a Tory parliamentary candidate - could not understand that people might find Cllr Gordon's behaviour offensive.

    "Today we find out that yet again, Tory Central Office has distanced itself from racism in the party by refusing to comment. It's less than a month since they behaved the same way over the Patrick Mercer affair. Only when the pressure mounted did they act.

    "The actions of Cllr Gordon and Mr Mercer reveal the true nature of the Tory party. It will take much more than warm words and PR from David Cameron to bring about real change in his party."

  18. Iain, can you do a post about your new banner please? :)

  19. I like Mercer, having met the man a few times and i think he just wants a chance to atcually effect policy. Being in oppostion for ten years starts to get tough.

  20. Looking on the bright side, this might be the one and only chance that Nadine Dorries has to get a proper job...

  21. Surely advising the other side is a good way to get yourself booted from the party? Or does nothing get you booted these days?

    PS: Nice new banner.

  22. Gordon Brown, looking and sounding more like Winston Churchill every day... the gravitas, the steely eyed determination.... the commitment to get a sort of national talents government together for the benefit of everyone, Hurrah! He'll be smoking the finest havannas next and giving 'V' signs to everyone.

    Come to think of it, he already does that doesn't he?

    Gawd bless you Mr Brawn, and no mistake, guv'na.

  23. An old saying covers this,keep your friends close and your enemies closer,NuLab=NewCon,
    NewCon=NuLab ,so no change here, so UKIP ,BNP,Greens or non of the above for me.

  24. Anyone who has seen the film 'Apollo 13' will know about the role of the 'CapCom' or 'Capsule Communicator'.

    This ONE person filters all that is happening on the ground and sends one, clear unambiguous message, briefing or instruction to the space ship.

    This approach was working well under Cameron - he was delivering a clear message about what the 'New Tories' were about.

    This has now become contaminated by confusing messages from Redwood, John Selwyn Gummer and Cornerstone.

    This must stop immediately. Any and all policy initiatives must be routed through Cameron and him alone.

    Otherwise they are just playing into the hands of Brown's 'government of all the talents' crap which gives the impression that 'all the good players are on our side, so why bother voting for anyone else ?'.

    And that is just one step away from abolishing elections and having a totalitarian state. Wait a minute..

  25. This will a body blow to many in the Conservative party who think that a Conservative MP's job is to oppose the Labour Party and get them out of power. Instead, by aiding and abetting them, they are helping Labour to remain in power.

    Apparently the leadership has even given them permission to help Labour. This can only be seen as a very grave error of judgement and will dismay and anger very many people.

    Not exactly a good start to the new season is it when the leadership shows itself to have been lobotomised>

  26. Not really on topic, but the BBC report about the two goes into full bias mode with Patrick Mercer, you know, the racist one..and of course they then trot out the old story, in full, which has little or nothing to do with his appointment.

    Patrick Mercer is in the BBC narrative collection as "The racist Patrick Mercer", right next to the well known Welsh singer, John Redwood.

    Swear? "£^$&$$$$$!!!!!!

  27. I'm not surprised by some of the Tory comments here.

    I can understand Ming Campbell allowing liberal MP's to take part, probably cause his party will be in the next government, but Tories?

    What was Cameron thinking?

  28. Hmmm..But then it is 'Labor Day' [sic] across the other side of the pond..

    Seems strangely appropriate..

  29. Mr Dale, be careful not to 'burn your bridges'. They may be on the phone to you next to offer a position helping them tart up their strategic website communication and take over from Oofy Wegg-Prosser.

    The money should be very good, so 'Don't knock it until you've tried it..'

  30. OK - IMHO:

    1. This is a part of an attempt by Gordo to neuter democracy by killing off any real opposition and to turn him into PM for life! Obviously, there will be elections, but the Labour Party is trying to assume the mantle of 'the natural party of power'. It's doing a good job too - sadly!

    2. It's an extension of Blair's Big Tent philosophy

    3. Perhaps he is trying to build a 'national Government' by stealth???

    4. Bercow, Mercer and Taylor do have something to offer in their areas, but are limited because their parties are not in power

    5. In some resepcts, this is not 'new', as there is a history of cross-party working in the sense that select commitees are cross party. The Lords is also much less partisan. However this is different in that this is cross-party work on advising the executive, not cross party work on holding the executive to account.

    6. I cannot believe that this was
    approved without DC's knowledge and support.

    7. I am surprised 'politically' as it plays right into Gordo's hands.

    8. Maybe I am just an old cynic, but I am deeply sceptical of the whole thing, as it smells distrinctly fishy to me

    9. Gordo is a clever old sod, because if the Tory's say no, they appear partisan and 'old politics', but if they say yes, they play his game!

  31. i think you need to ask why tory mps think they have more of a chance of affecting the future of the country (or advancing their own careers) by advising labour rather than either working with cameron or just shutting up. can you imagine a labour mp in 1995-7 working with john major? as enoch powell said, "merely to pose the question is to supply its answer"?
    but seriously, i'd be interested in your thoughts on this.

  32. Rumour has it that Iain is backing Boris - any truth in this?

  33. In the light of these events Peter Oborne's article in The Daily Mail @ will provide a chunk of food for thought.

  34. What is Bercow is doing in the Conservative party anyway, NuLabour seems a more natural fit for him.

    Patrick Mercer is more puzzling.

    Hopefully, Ken Clarke and Hezzer follow soon.

  35. What has Mercer got to say for himself - can he justify this? can't he be reached?

  36. Re annonymous

    Don't forget Clarke and Hezzer have already worked for Labour when they appeared on Bliar's pro euro platform!

  37. I do not blame Mercer. To be sacked by cameron when Mercer was known to be anything but racist, showed Cameron in a bad light indeed.

    I would have hoped that Cameron would have brought Mercer back. Every comment he makes over the airwaves, every article he writes is pure commen sense and written with the experience that could well be Cameron's downfall.

    Divid and Rule is the name of the game. Cameron should now ask Frank Field to speak on Welfare! play the same game!!

  38. I honestly can't see the problem, surely the Mercer thing has big potential to damage Labour - so a man who shrugs his shoulders about racial abuse in the armed forces is given input into a "government of all the talents". Mercer is exactly the type of old-school Tory stuffed shirt we need shot of anyway.

    Cath Dibble

  39. Mr Mercer was publically treated with such contempt by Wossname - sacked on a false, manufactured premise in a 30-second mobile phone call by a non-military man who's never done anything more dangerous in his empty little life than cross the street, that I suspect the age-old motivation of revenge. He's not doing any harm to the Conservatives because they're not getting in anyway.

    Next time, poncy, empty little Dave should be careful about sacking men who have real achievements under their belt, for absolutely no reason other than bigging himself up.

  40. I would be absolutely ecstatic if Ken Clarke and Hezza left the Tory party. Come to think of it, having read Campbell diaries, I wouldn't be suprised if Soames came across as well. Face it, anyone with sense in the Tory party wants out after the last month. Brown has shut up shop and let you choke on your own verbal diarrhea. Policy after policy has come out and every last one has been awful - hating everyone and everything - kids, NHS, schools, Europe, immigrants. Is there anything that's ok? It was actually looking like a close call when DC first took over and the mood music was positive and rosy. All that good work is out of the window now. Back to the same old septic tories. Policy of hate. The sooner the remaining popular tories leave (clarke, hezza, portillo) the better.

  41. Maybe John Bercow is our own Severus Snape.

  42. In view of the time it is taking for Iain to produce his next post, has he perhaps not only deleted his swearing but been banned from future contributions?

  43. I'm not entirely pesimistic on this one... as someone stated, this can hardly have happened without top level permission.

    1) for a start, it does take a step away from petty politics to say that the Conservative Party cares more for the nation than for their own personal gain.
    2) if and when it becomes obvious that absolutely nothing they say is listened to by the government, they can score major points by underlining this. "government of national unity is a scam" - shock.
    3) it has become plain over the last decade that Labour need all the help they can get in defence and sorting it all out is a major thing that needs doing.
    4) this way, the Labour Party is the one spending the political capital to 'rehabilitate' Mercer from the pariah status their spin machine made for him. In a short period of time, Cameron will be able to call him back to work for them because Labour can hardly turn around and stab him in the back after working with him post-comment.

    So it exists as an opportunity, as well as a threat.

  44. Iain, is there a chance that you could see your way through this NuLabor smokescreen and focus on the real issue of the day - The British Army's retreat from Basra please?

  45. mutleythedog said...
    I always quite liked John Bercow...

    Mutley thats because he once crept up on you from behind and gave you a nice juicy bone.
    back in your basket.

    Bercow is a worm , its written all over his smirking face.
    Well the wheels are coming off the Cameron dream arent they ?
    The Hitch knew it would happen and is delighted.
    Peter Obornes new book looks like a good buy , he really tears into the dross who have set themselves up as our leaders( what a joke)
    This pair are just typical of the breed , keeping a foot in both camps just in case.

  46. I wonder how Gordon Brown playing political games will go down with a public worried about things like gun crime or the looming tube strike.

    Also I wonder how pleased Labour backbenchers are that 'racist' Mercer is a better adviser than them.

  47. bercow will be in the PLP by christmas. open secret at westminster. he's got to do it by stealth though.

    ah, the exquisite agony whereby cameron knows he's going to defect but can't find a reason to withdraw the whip from him - and knows that if he does he'll just use that as a cause to defect anyway.

    right and left of the tories are going to unite against cameron, who in his desire to please both wings, will end up pleasing neither, and will instead earn the contempt of both.

    cameron's dilemmas merely reflect the dilemmas of modern conservatism. the old "adapt to preserve" MO doesn't work when the world speeds up. as a thoroughly modern guy, cameron knows this but has nothing to replace it with. in office, you can do this, because power covers your arse, but in opposition, you just look empty - like the french socialists, the democrats in america (without iraq they'd be fucked)...

  48. Gordon is much more preoccupied with malicious little political games than with policy. Amazing he gets away with the image of 'a man of substance' when all he does is pull stunts. As for violent crime, industrial unrest, tax credits fiasco - I noticed Humphrys didn't even raise one of these issues in his interview with Brown this morning.

  49. Notwithstanding rubbish about "inclusive politics" and "serving my country" as a sitting Tory MP you DON'T give your parties main opponent ammunition to make mischief !

    It's one thing non-political persons like Alan West taking on a role as Homeland Security Adviser for example and doing this.

    Both men need to consider their positions in taking the Conservative "whip" and if they do so give their electorates an opportunity to either endorse or not their actions in a by-election.

    As you say, one of these persons is not at all surprising but the other - words absolutely fail me. I agree he was badly treated by Cameron who over-reacted but surely he must have taken "leave of his senses" to play along with this Labour con job ?

  50. The Hitch, I loathe Bercow too. But I don't know how Cameron could expect to sack a man of real attainment - and bravery - for no reason and there not be consequences down the line.

    One more demonstration of Cameron's absolute lack of judgement and lack of understanding of his fellow man. You just don't do things like that.

  51. Look at the Bercow & Mercer story from another angle - if Stalin McBroons own troops are so utterly useless, that he has to resort to the desperate measure of getting help from these two, then he's in big trouble. Just imagine what his own back benchers must be thinking!

    Looking around at the rest of the MSM, this story hardly registers. The big news stories today are Boris and Basra.

  52. Come in to my parlour said the (Scottish tax grabbing) spider to the (nice but dim) fly.

  53. When your coronation at the hands of Ann Widdy is complete you will have such opportunities to look forward to. Meanwhile are you sure you meant rash judgements when it came to Johan reviewing his priorities?

  54. Cameron brought Mercer's 'defection' upon himself.

    Bring back William Hague!

  55. verity I heartily agree.
    Cameron seems to be positively austistic when it comes to judging people.
    (Apologies to anybody who has an autistic child ,Im not insulting people with autism)

    He has no ideas , no principles and not a clue .Im finding his collapse ,and thats what it is ,hilarious.
    Boris for me 2010.

  56. Anonymous 10:56 - If I recall correctly, Mr Mercer never made any remarks about black soldiers. This was manufactured by Dave and his cadre. When challenged, they couldn't point to any quotes. Meanwhile, black soldiers who had served under Mercer came barrelling forward to defend him. Cameron created this mess.

  57. If Mercer was brought back to Shadow Cabinet now, Cameron would face accusations of putting an alleged bigot in his team.

    After a short spell of community service advising the government, Mercer can return to the Shadow Cabinet later on fully cleansed with the inevitable howls neutralised.

    In fact, if he can resign in outrage from his advisory post later on, so much the better.

  58. If the Labour party is so devoid of talent that it needs to approach Conservative MPs for 'advice' then it should admit publicly to being unfit to govern, resign immediately and allow a government that does know what it is doing to be formed.

  59. The main qualifications needed for a post as Labour adviser are lack of talent, lack of originality; lack of charisma and lack of self-awareness. Bercow is tailor-made for the job.

  60. It's the women, stupid.

    Hurd re-married and was sent leftwards by his new missus. The same happened to Max Hastings. Matthew D'ancona (better known as Matthew T'andoori) is wobbling, now his missus is a part-time 'advisor' to Milliband.

    Same with Bercow. Married a new labour bird twice his height and is being chipped away at.

    Unreal...who has ever had their mind changed by female wittering?

    As fror Mercer, great man, massive misjudgement. Cameron would have been blown away by Labour had he not given him the bullet. Labour taking him on now does not look strong.

    All this is another attempt to make Gordo look like a party-less national leader, the first attempt at which failed totally when he took over.

    Weak political games from a man who knows the economic boom is over, but hasn't got the balls to run for it.

  61. who really cares? It only confirms that Brown has to accept Cameron's Rejects. Brown obviously has the bum deal...

  62. This is a matter for the Constituency Associations. If they don't act and immediately call these two MPs in for talks - followed by a motion of confidence - they will become a laughing stock.

    They elected these two to represent their Constituencies as Conservatives. They did not elect them to work with a corrupt and morally bankrupt Labour government...and cooperate with traitor Brown's pre-election PR campaigning. They must act quickly...or have to sit for another Parliament with these two in harness.

  63. The comments on Nick Robinsons webblog sum the situation up quite nicely -

    Considering it's a left leaning BBC website things aren't exactly rosy in Gordons garden...

  64. Forget Mercer. Bercow? He was Secretary of the Race and Repatriation Committee of the Monday Club!

  65. Gordon wants a one party state.

    Gordon wants the Tories to be divided, insecure.

    Gordon and New Labour have not got a clue.

    As Scotty once said when the symptoms of "The Doomsday Machine" was laid out - "Aye, it all adds up!"

    word verification: wtfisgbup2

  66. "He got the go ahead from the whips.."

  67. Berkow by name and Berkow by nature.

  68. Verity,

    Your post of 3:58pm

    "If I recall correctly, Mr Mercer never made any remarks about black soldiers. ........ Cameron created this mess."

    Why not look it up instead of getting the story wrong? Search news on 8th March this year for starters. When I looked up what Col Mercer had actually said I had to agree with Anonymous who posted at 4:21 PM: -

    "As for Mercer, great man, massive misjudgement. Cameron would have been blown away by Labour had he not given him the bullet. Labour taking him on now does not look strong."

  69. As with so many things in politics there's a line in the West Wing which sums up the situation and which applies to both MPs:

    "Your job isn't to end the
    fight, it's to win it! Now you can work for us or you can work for them, but you can't do both."

  70. Bercow and Mercer, (sounds like a firm of solicitors) haven't brought out the best in your loyal fans Iain. Surely they can't stay in the Tory Party if that's the reaction.

  71. At least Mrs Burko will stop nagging the little fella now.

  72. Rather strange to contrast the pessimistic defeatism of some Conservative posters here with the robust rubbishing of Brown's latest initiatives over at pb.c.

  73. Any thoughts on whether tomorrows diary cleaning event Iain pointed out over the weekend was brought forward due to the bounce deflating in the polls?

  74. fr spot on

    citizen juries. what hilarious student union bar nonsense. and blears is in charge . hah hah

  75. Henry Rogers said...
    Why not look it up instead of getting the story wrong?"

    The report below, is what started it all (The Times, March 8th 2007). Patrick Mercer obviously doesn't view the ethnic minorities unfavourably, but is pointing out that some of them use imagined racism as an excuse for their unacceptable activities. Also, that in the forces (as in life generally), anyone with physical characteristics differing from the norm in the rest of a group is likely to be singled out for abuse.

    Hardly anyone I know would object to anything he said.

    “I came across a lot of ethnic minority soldiers who were idle and useless, but who used racism as cover for their misdemeanours. I remember one guy from St Anne's (Nottingham) who was constantly absent and who had a lot of girlfriends. When he came back one day I asked him why, and he would say: 'I was racially abused'. And we'd say: 'No you weren't, you were off with your girlfriends again'.
    I had five company sergeant majors who were all black. They were without exception UK-born, Nottingham-born men who were English - as English as you and me... They prospered inside my regiment, but if you'd said to them: 'Have you ever been called a nigger?' they would have said: 'Yes'. But equally, a chap with red hair, for example, would also get a hard time - a far harder time than a black man, in fact. But that's the way it is in the Army. If someone is slow on the assault course, you'd get people shouting: 'Come on you fat bastard, come on you ginger bastard, come on you black bastard'.

    In my experience, when you put on the uniform then all differences disappear. If you are a good soldier, you will do well. If you are a bad soldier, you will leave prematurely. There is a degree of colour-blindness among the vast majority of soldiers. I never came across a piece of nastiness inside the battalion that was based exclusively on racism.

  76. Anybody else want to join Gordon in his big tent?

  77. Blimey! NooLabor must be bloody hard-up for talent!

  78. This is all a great example of the "Political Class" as described in an article by Peter Oborne in the Mail.

  79. Patrick is a friend of mine and I think he has made a total pillock of himself. Sad, very sad.

  80. It seems to me that the effect of all Cameron's various policy shifts is to cause the Conservative Party to implode.

    Cameron has never recovered from the destabalisation caused by the grammar school debacle. There has been little real opposition and a lot of the policies put forward, such as the green taxes, are worse than Brown's offerings and Cameron's treatment of Mercer was beneath contempt.

    As with John Major the party will stand with this disasterous leader and another election will be lost. Whether the voters will ever treat the Conservative Party as a potential party of government after a further defeat is open to obvious doubt.

    You vote in a leader on the strength of one speech and this is what you get.

    There is no option but to get rid of Cameron before it is too late.

  81. I noticed Jon Snow lost no time in getting Patrick Mercer onto C4 News this evening to talk about the pullout from Basra. No longer a 'racist' outcast he was being paraded like a Brown trophy. Wonder if he feels uncomfortable at all?

  82. Perhaps they have both been "planted" in Gordons feif in order to spy on him. Sounds daft I know, but odder things have happened.
    Annabel H.

  83. Why exactly do we need a government of national unity? The job of the opposition is to oppose; the job of the opposition MP is to hold the government to account; the best way they can serve the country is by not undermining the adversarial system of politics we have in favour of the consensual one that allows European governments to decide on everything behind closed doors and keep the same people in government no matter how the votes fall. If Bercow, Mercer and Spelman do not understand this, they have no place in politics.

  84. This is a complete sell out by Cameron & Co. He is so green it is untrue. He is just playing into Browns hands. Come on Tory party we need a night of the long knives.

    I will vote UKIP as I have nowhere else to go.

  85. Is it mere coincidence that this posting is followed by ads. exhorting us to press the Fart Button and then one for Head lice remover?

  86. I am sure John Bercow and the Patrick Mercer will be delighted by the attention Gordon Brown gives to their views .... NOT.

  87. Another military man, disillusioned and bitter at being passed over, started a liaison with the other side. Many think his treason was not that of principle, but of selfishness. He ended his career despised and shunned by both sides, and Benedict Arnold, for it was he, died in 1801, but apparently, his spirit is with us.

  88. It's looking a bit glum isn't it Iain?

    Doom's earlier prediction of Bercow 'seeing the light' and joining a proper political party will becom fact soon enough.

    But the best is the wait for the General Election. An autumn election will be for fright and vanity within the Brown camp with not much to show for it.

    A May election will gather funds, raise the profile of sense and sensibility and in the process collect another 2000 labour Councillors.

    But don't worry, there is room for dead parties in Britain with dead ideology. The Tories fit that bill nicely and a wipeout is forthcoming.

    Doom has spoken.

  89. Wrinkled Weasel said...
    "Another military man, disillusioned and bitter at being passed over, started a liaison with the other side. Many think his treason was not that of principle, but of selfishness....."

    For a moment I thought you were talking about Winston Churchill.

  90. Aardvark - Thanks.

    Mr Mercer is a soldier and a realist and a practical man. He obviously doesn't have time for stupidities like racism. Cameron manufactured this charge because he wanted to big himself up by sacking a military man.

    From everything I've read, Mr Mercer is an honourable man, an admired soldier and has commanded men in a real war in real battlefield conditions. David Cameron is a little drip who had his photo taken in a newly purchased parka with a couple of charismatic huskies. In an emergency, which man would you rather depend upon? (In my view, Cameron would come fourth after the two huskies.)

    When Cameron sacked him for a manufactured reason, Mr Mercer stayed cool, civilised and gracious. Now he has his revenge. How very entertaining.

  91. Cameron shouldn't try to engage with the big, clever boys because they will eat his lunch.

    He should stick to people on his own level. That would be that other genius of the age, Gordon Brown.
