When someone posted this on my blog an hour ago I thought it must be a windup, but it's not. It's what certain people in the Party leadership are proposing. I've had it confirmed by two separate sources who I trust implicitly.
One source believes that this is a Francis Maude stitch-up. He's being blamed for wanting to ancel the primary process and announce a candidate will all due fanfare. Another tells me this is very far from the truth and the plans emanate from elsewhere and are nothing to do with Maude.
Over the last few months Maude, Gillian Shephard and Jacqui Lait have been interviewing many possible candidates but all have felt that they just couldn't beat Livingstone. So the Dyke option is the last throw of the dice.
I've not been able to get hold of any candidate yet, apart from a spokesman for Nick Boles who told me: "The whole point of the open primary is to offer Londoners a wide range of candidates so Nick welcomes anyone who wants to stand. But London needs a modern Conservative alternative to Ken Livingstone and this is what Nick provides. Greg Dyke has achieved a great deal in his life - but he is not and never will be a Conservative".
I suspect the reaction of the other mayoral camps will be the same. I'm told that Dyke has not met with Francis Maude but this strategy has been developed by a close-knit team who believe it's the only way of beating Livingstone. They know it will cause uproar but are prepared to face down the critics.
As readers will know, I'm not opposed to coming to arrangements with the LibDems in certain electoral circumstances, but I would have to swallow very hard indeed to lift a finger to campaign for a candidate like Greg Dyke, who doesn't have a Conservative bone in his body. I also believe that whoever the Party leadership might want to impose will need to go through the same primary process as those who have already thrown their hat into the ring.
UPDATE: Ben Brogan says that Ming Campbell has rejected the idea in no uncertain terms. He is said to have called the suggestion 'undemocratic'.
UPDATE: Greg Dyke has just phoned Sky News and given the most cringeworthy performance imaginable. He reckons he put the idea to David Cameron and said he would do it if Cameron could get the support of other political parties for it. Ming put the mockers on it. Dyke says he never considered standing as a Tory or a LibDem. He says he have money to the LibDems but is not a member of the LibDems. He then says that Ken has done a good job and he likes him! Quite frankly the man is all over the place. The Tory Party should have nothing to do with him.
UPDATE: Ed Davey has said the LibDems rejected a Tory approach and that there would be no joint candidate HERE.
This is ridiculous. Former Labour man in Tory/LibDem coalition. I know they say that left/right distinctions don’t matter any more, but surely this is taking it a bit far. This is an even bigger April fool than the news that Iain Dale was going to stand.
Lol laurence. Seems like the struggle for democracy/conservative thinking in the Conservative party is going to be a long one.
I've heard some bloody stupid ideas from CCHQ lately but this one totally takes the biscuit. Apart from being electoral suicide what more proof is needed that our party is the victim of LibDem entryism designed to kill off genuine conservatism as a political force in Britian. I truly despise Livingstone and consider that defeating him is as important as getting the Blair/Brown shower out. However this juvenile, ill thought through proposition won't work.
I dont know how true any of this is - but some of it really sticks in my throat.
Firstly - the party pushes using a primary as a way of getting people interested in politics and feeling ownership with the newly selected candidate up and down the country - yet if these rumours are true it doesn't really seem they have embraced this concept afterall.
Then of course - the A list - was all about the party being more representative etc. London is certainly more diverse than where I live - and who do they party approach - a white male middle class male.
Not sure I understand the significance of 'party' in a mayoral election - it's more a 'presidential' vote for the personality election.
The fact that Ken is back in the Labour party at present seems neither here nor there.
One thing I will say is that Greg Dyke has the 'luck of the Irish', so if he can't do it, nobody can.
Let me be the first but clearly not the last
Vote Tory Get (europhile) LibDem
Dyke, has always struck me as a truthful man. It don't matter to much on what "party" he does or has supported in the past. It's the ability to do the job well that should count. he might just have that. good luck to him. If he can sort out the mess that Livingston has left, and save Londoners some wasted taxes, surely all will welcome him!
Isn't this 17 days late? Surely this can't be serious (and I'm usually an uber-moderniser!)
If this is true it is an utter disgrace. What a marvellous way to give Labour a way of hitting back against both us and the Lib Dems at the same time, whilst chaining Conservatives to responsibility for a candidate who does not, in any way share their views or ideals. I expect CCHQ will now have to deny this...
Whatever happened to that Victoria Barwick [?] woman who wanted to be the mayor ? And I thought Mike Read was going to be the Tory candidate ?
Surely he would be a better candidate to unite the Tories and Lib Dems, as he could bring Lembit and the Cheeky Girls on board - just imagine, a kind of 'Bucks Fizz' campaign band ! Yay!
Are you sure, given the positive reactions to your April Fool, that this isn't a kite-flying attempt to cajole you into standing, Mr Dale !?
I can hear your indignation building to the crescendo required for you to announce your candidacy as we speak!
a Labour supporter let me be the first to welcome the creation of "Flakes for Cameron". ha ha ha.
I imagine he'll also be endorsed by the amalgamated trots and Islamists of Respect, because he seems to share their outlook on life also.
Might make it almost palitable to vote for Ken for reasons beyond mere tribalism.
I hope this turns out to be no more than a rumour.
London association chairmen are meeting tomorrow to be told the "good news"
No. No. No. No. NOOO!!!!!!!
NOT Greg Dyke. No f**king way.
He's not Conservative in any way, who's to say regular Conservative voters will vote for him anyway? In what way is he "Conservative"? What Conservative policies would Greg "hideously white" Dyke implement? He's split the party in London from top to bottom.
This is pathetic. Ken Livingston is a turd.
I can't believe our party only think a celebrity candidate can beat Ken.
There are HUNDREDS of good, loyal and talented candidates in the party.
Why on earth can't maude bring himself to pick one?
How many Tories would turn out to vote for 'Disgustingly White' Dyke?
Livingstone would win by default.
In any case, giving a platform to 'one of them' always backfires spectacularly; haven't they learnt anything yet?
I can guess where this stupid idea came from, the same person most of HO's stupid ideas, including the cringe worthy Polly Toynbee fiasco, originate from.
This presumably means that I can become a Lib Dem supporter again while retaining my membership of the Conservative party?
Auntie Flo'
Gillian Shepard, "of Archer hospitality whilst on weekend leave from Jail" fame. I thought the "Tories" were/had cleaned up their act. Why blow me down, Surely they will be resurrecting Swagger Norris next! god be kind??
At last - I have been telling all who will listen that this is the only way to beat Ken ...
Not that big a deal when you consider that Nadine 'bonkers' Dorries is now a Labour MP...
There could be no better example of the desire for (nominal) power at whatever cost supplanting any vestige of principle that might remain in the Party - and what a damning indictment that we can't find a genuine Conservative to give that twerp Livingston a run for his money!
(Assuming, of course, that there is some truth in this yarn.)
I only hope that Dyke graciously makes as a condition of his candidature,that some of the other candidates are not as hideously white as he so obviously is.
I read Dyke's book and although it is pretty self-serving it is clear that he is an ace publicist and good at getting people who work with him to love him.
Surely what is needed to stand against Livingstone is someone of equally high profile, with an equal flair for publicity and the interests of London and Londoners at heart. At the risk of being flamed from here to eternity, I suggest that 'party' in the conventional sense is not what mainly motivates voters in the Mayoral election. There's a big ABK (Anyone But Ken) vote out there to be had - maybe, just maybe, someone with a profile like Dyke might be the person to do it. At least he might restore a little democracy to the GLA rather than treat them like vegetables, as Ken does. And it's about time that london electors had a credible alternative candidate to vote for. So, I suggest that Conservatives swallow their ideological pride and support Dyke.
Nopw - I'm heading for the (cyber) hills!
As the person responsible for advancing, in an earlier posting on the Andrew Neil item ,that this story was something the mainstream media were now chasing, it just re-enforces my view that the whole of the Westminster 'village' is just one big gossip shop.
As much as Iain may wish it, making an approach to another party to enter into a coalition deal via a blog is just not the way the world works. I mean the Lib Dems would insist on balloting their membership to seek views for start. Do I need to go on?
The sun is shining, the drink is flowing. Back in the box everyone.
All the "Conservatives" here saying we should support Dyke.
P*ss off.
He is *exactly* the same as Livingstone. Same irritating voice, same political prejudices, same background and would pursue exactly the same agenda. This would destroy the unity of the party in London - splits which the BBC would no doubt jump upon to do us untold national damage.
I will NOT support him. I will NOT vote for him and I would NOT lift a finger to help him.
I am absolutely screaming, god-damn, f**king livid.
Maude should be sacked.. No, better still, shot.
colin - like you I read and enjoyed 'inside story' for the ripping yarn, if somewhat 'sexed up' to the point where he paints himself as the man who single-handedly saved the BBC.
But then not many bosses inspire such loyalty in their staff that they take to the streets with placards to 'Bring Back Greg'. And he hates jumped up toffs. He is a London boy through and through.
He helped rescue TV:AM, introduced Freeview, thus keeping the BBC from being swamped by that bloody yank Rupert Murdoch, and he brought back footy onto the Beeb.
Even better he is a Manchester Utd. supporter and has interests in the arts and a background in making TV like 'World In Action' which fights for the underdog in society.
He would make a great mayor, so I say Three Cheers for Greg !!
It will certainly spice up the race...And having lived down the road in Barnes, you might even be able to cajole him into going to see West Ham play once in a while.
Shame they won't be in the Premier League, or you could blag a seat in the Director's Box at Old Trafford.
Great scoop by the way.
Shall I ask my local Conservative party to liaise with local lib Dems re: my election canvassing rota?
I suggest that I alternate between parties each hour, then I won't have to go out to the same areas twice.
Bit awkward on election day, so I'll just have to wear two rosettes.
Auntie Flo'
Since Nick Boles could not win in Brighton he has no hope of winning in London.
But Dyke's a flipping Lib Dem and to select him is electoral suicide for Conservatives in London.
Ridiculous. This guy has nothing blue in him....
Dyke is now Chairman of Brentford Football club so rather than enjoying prawn sandwiches at Old Trafford, or even Pie and Mash at Upton Park, he is more likely to be found with a cup of Bovril at Griffin Park.
Do the Tories really want a Chairman of a relegated and (now)3rd division club to lead them to victory?
And having lived down the road in Barnes, you might even be able to cajole him into going to see West Ham play once in a while.
You know your geography!
Barnes is in southwest London, West Ham is in the deep east.
On the basis that anyone would be better than Ken, I don't see why not. The boundaries of the London mayoral constituency have been so gerrymandered to ensure a permanent Labour majority, a Lib/Con pact on this might be the only way of kicking out Ken.
Brentford Aggro !
Brentford Aggro !
What bloody nonsense. If he ends up as the Conservative candidate, I'd rather vote for Ken himself.
ed, sorry my point was that he would no longer be 'oop north', and once he is safely ensconced in City Hall, he will be within a short tube journey of many other London clubs as well..
Perhaps Greg could also represent 'Plaid Cymru' and 'Sinn Fein' to capitalise on the London Welsh / Irish vote ?
This is clearly a devious ploy to get you to stand by your original statement of 1 April, Iain. Go on...take the bait.
Please stand Iain, or at least write a column for the Telegraph pointing out how stupid this plan is.
CDM, No chance. Sadly I only do the Telegraph column once a fortnight, but I may well do it next week.
I would vote for Beelzebub himself if it would get rid of Red Ken. Although I must admit Europhile ex-NuLabour now LibDum Dyke is close...
Iain - I think someone is yanking your chain, there is *no* way in the world this is going to happen.
Think the Tory's should run Greg Knight as the candidate. He is someone that has "London" written all over him.
So we are now going to be given a choice between one "reverse racist" who associates with all sorts of agitating extremists and another who probably thinks that the remaining indiginous Londoners are "hideously white".
If only he would stand, I'd vote for Jeremy Clarkson, who'd get rid of most of the Mayor's baggage, especially Lee Jasper. Seeing Lee Jasper get his P45 would make my day
peter - please can you point out where greg has ever said that londoners are hideously white ?
This is insane.
This discussion has been taken over by people who think that because Dyke made an ill-judged racist comment it gives them an excuse to be racist too.
Stop all your nasty racism please.
As a LibDem let me reiterate a phrase that may be well know to followers of this website; "No, no, no".
Can't see it happening myself...
"It's thought this is the only guaranteed way of ousting Ken Livingstone"
That might be an argument if it was a FPTP election; it's not.
Would it be so bad if British politics became less tribal and more fluid?
Before rushing to judgement, it would probably be best to see what sort of policy platform Greg Dyke would offer the voters of London first.
Or is that too fair-minded for the contributors to this thread?
Can't the combined forces of the Tories and Lib Dems in London come up with an actual alternative?
As ex-DG of the BBC, Dyke has as much of a record of using public money to embarass the government as Ken does?
The combined forces of bureaucrats of Ken's empire (GLA, TfL, LDA, ODA etc etc) will surely rejoyce at this news - they can't lose!
No doubt Dyke's first platform will be a London surcharge on the licence fee to fund the poor BBC's coverage of the olmpics.
This bears all the hallmarks of Dyke's self-promoting style, than a proper political story.
And of course ...why would Libdems vote for him either? Its a stupid idea.
"because Dyke made an ill-judged racist comment.."
I am not aware that Dyke has ever made a racist comment - what on earth are people talking about ? This is guilt by smear. Unless anyone has some evidence, can they stop just inventing stuff ?
BBC are reporting Greg considered it but ruled it out.
"This discussion has been taken over by people who think that because Dyke made an ill-judged racist comment it gives them an excuse to be racist too.
Stop all your nasty racism please. "
Err, WTF?
Oooh - aren't you grown-up. Using the "R" word on us to make yourself look good!
Get lost "Ed" and take your moral self-righteousness with you.
I'm voting for Right Said Fred.
The phrase 'barking up the wrong tree' springs to mind !
Still it got your traffic levels for the day up...
I am not aware that Dyke has ever made a racist comment - what on earth are people talking about ?
I think people are referring to Dyke describing BBC Midlands as being "hideously white" I only read this on another blog so it may be tosh but if true would indeed paint Dyke in a racist light wouldn't it.
Or does racism only count when against minorities?
The Grand Old Duke Of Dale, he had ten thousand readers, he marched them up to the top of an inverted pyramid of piffle [surely 'hill', Ed.] and he marched them down again...
Still, it was good fun while it lasted..
I am not self-rigteos at all, but I am disgusted by racism. Attack people for what they say and do, not because of who their ancestors were.
Not quite sure why you think I have marched people up to the top of the hill. Greg Dyke has just confirmed the story on Sky News but says nothing is going to come of it because the LibDems said no. Thank God.
Perhaps Mad Frankie Maude could suggest David Cameron gives Ming Campbell a free run as joint Lib/Con candidate for PM?
Very interesting but exceptionally dangerous precedent.
I believe nationally it could do the Conservative party a huge amount of damage.
Could be of great assistance to the Lib/Dems eg, inter alia, their next leader.
A middleway would be to field him as an independent with no Conservative or Lib/Dem candidate.
Its sort of a populist mayoral/governor type role likely benefitting from an agressive media savy technocratic marketeer!
Thank the Lord.
Let's hope it gets swept under the carpet.
ed - you are talking bollocks. this is not a racist comment so stop it !
It is NOT saying it is hideous to be white you imbecile !
It is saying that the balance of white people within the BBC to the proportions in society was very poor.
Since discriminating against people in 'hiring policies' IS racist, this seems a valid comment to make.
Or are people like you too thick to understand such a distinction ?
Ex-BBC director-general Greg Dyke has said he considered running for London mayor but has decided against it.
He said he had been approached by the Conservatives but would only consider standing as an independent with Lib Dem and Tory backing.
Mr Dyke said he liked "throwing ideas around" and that he wanted to "break the mould of politics".
The Lib Dems say they turned down a Tory approach to field him as a joint candidate in next year's election.
Only Cameron can beat Livingstone. It's about time he did the decent thing and resigned as leader in order to stand as the Tory candidate for London Mayor. He would wipe the floor with Livingstone.
Since discriminating against people in 'hiring policies' IS racist, this seems a valid comment to make.
But isn't fixing the percentage of employees of each ethnic background equally racist? Or should we take people on regardless of their ability as long as they fit the "profile"?
Good to see that Ming wouldn't stand for it. It seems that Dyke can get them to take his money but not get them to take him seriously. Where will he spend his money next...? The Greens or Respect?
What a total Tory balls up. How embarrasing. You have my sympathy.
Thank god for that. Now is Norris going to stand, or not?
Big BIG BIG mistake, dont do it.
Its better to lose then to lose whether you win or not.
Make no mistake if Greg Dyke stands Greg Dyke WILL WIN. Because the BBC will make sure he does.
Greg Dyke may not be making daily mad passionate love to Tony Blair anymore but he still hates Conservatism and everything it stands for almost as much as Ken Livingstone.
Remember this is the man, that is responsible for making the BBC what it is today.
A massively over funded political indoctinating media machine dedicated to its own survival on National Socialist priciples. Which the BBC only sometimes moderates with an amount of Marxist socialist ones.
If the people of London want a revolutionary Marxist running their town AGAIN, let them have him.
Personally if Greg Dyke is the alternative I will be voting for no one at all, for the first time ever, thats a promiss.
Is there no lenghts at all that David Cameron will not go to appease the people really running Britain, the BBC?
Dyke told BBC he rejected this approach.
why didn't you bother checking this story before splashing 'exclusive'?
you tit.
What hypocrits the Lib Dems are! This sort of power sharing doesn't seem to bother them in Scotland nor in the case of a hung parliament at Westminister...
It's not the worst idea I've heard either. To beat Red Ken, who is unfeasibly popular with a large cross section of London society, it's going to take this sort of thinking outside the box.
As the Lib/Dems and GD have now turned the offer down, as I very much hoped and expected.
This might turn out to have been a Cameron Masterstroke after all.
Because it may have helped split the vote of the two other magor British political partys. That is the vote of the Lib/Dems and the BBCs employees.
"ed - you are talking bollocks. this is not a racist comment so stop it !
It is NOT saying it is hideous to be white you imbecile !"
Can you honestly imagine someone describing an institution with a disproportionate number of black people (American basketball for instance) as "hideously black"?
come on Iain, the path is open to you now. Don't waster your time in Norfolk....
Silly season starts - blame global warming..
Whoever is guilty should put their hand up-and fast!
Wouldn't want this row kicking around in October,would we?
The Tories are all at sea.
A brilliant, machiavellian move. Bound to be rejected but in the rest of the country, where we couldn't care less about London, we are left with a vague notion that the Tories are "sort of" moderate, doing deals with the Libs, so must be safe to vote for to get rid of Blair and co.
Looks like another Maude Bournemouth job or is it a creeping Vaizey disaster?
"David Cameron is an admirer of Greg Dyke and was aware he was interested in running.."
No doubt Dave the Rave has other plans for Greg - What could they be?
Has "Bullingdon Dave" fallen off his bike?
Step forward, Lord Greg of Dyke !!!
Who is going to be next in Dave's circus 'Big Tent' ?
Better than having them outside pissing in...
Why didn't James Cleverley persist? I think he stood a good chance and he was a reputable Tory candidate.
The tories remain in disarray in London....
As you don't have anyone with the requisite gravitas to whip Ken, why not focus elsewhere?
Going negative isn't enough and is a big turn off.
YouGov did a poll back in 2004 as to who Londoners would like as Mayor ideally (one choice).
24% said Richard Branson, 22% Rudy Guliani, 22% Ken Livingstone, and only 6% said Greg Dyke. John Stevens (former Met Chief) only got 4% BEFORE all the scandals.
So, with Rudy is aiming for the White House, there are an awful lot of undecideds ... would Branson stand? Would Dyke appeal more than the figures suggested?
Also, why did it need to be a joint ticket? As Tory candidate, Dyke would have been guaranteed a place in the 2nd round head-to-head against Livingstone. The Lib Dems would switch then. There is no need for a coalition, when you have the same system as the Frecnh Presidentials and even Norris could come second twice.
I don't think Guiliani will continue much longer in the Presidential race. He could well become available ...
A yank running London !! Do me a favour !! This really is getting desperate.. Why don't you run, verity ?
Anyway, why all the fuss now ?
The election isn't until next year..
"Quite frankly the man is all over the place"
So THAT's why Cameron thought he was the right person to be supported by the new green/blue/not quite brown Tory party! TOTALLY on line with the leader.
"All the "Conservatives" here saying we should support Dyke.
P*ss off.
He is *exactly* the same as Livingstone. Same irritating voice, same political prejudices, same background and would pursue exactly the same agenda. This would destroy the unity of the party in London - splits which the BBC would no doubt jump upon to do us untold national damage.
I will NOT support him. I will NOT vote for him and I would NOT lift a finger to help him.
I am absolutely screaming, god-damn, f**king livid.
Maude should be sacked.. No, better still, shot."
I feel that way for a small moment of every day. About my own party leadership.
Bizzare. Have just flown back in to see this on the front of the Standard. I suggested this would happen to a few people because the lesson of the last two London elections has been that Hughes and Norris split the anti-Ken vote.
Shagger came quite close, and Hughes did pretty well, allowing Ken in through the middle. And in an interview in tonight's Standard he says he wants a fourth term...
If I were Cameron, I would wait for the Liberal candidate and then declare a no-show for the Tories. LIvingstone is so bad, he needs to be booted out.
Then again, the state of the finances (esp TFL) and the coming Olympic farce wil probably put most people off standing. Perhaps Ken should be stewed in his own juice.
Then again, he wants more spin doctors and while the GLA can stop him now, new powers in October will give Ken the ability to over-rule the GLA on that as well as getting his hands on local commuter train services, for example.
And then read the Supplemental Tolls bill going through the Lords - he can sieze any main road, toll it, and TFL officials will have the right to enter your car and sieze your tolling equipment.
Don't stand in their way either, or it's six months in the slammer.
96 comments and climbing..oh what a wind up!
I know you want "anyone but Ken", so how about General Pinochet or Robert Mugabe?
Is this the same Greg Dyke who said that the BBC is "Hideously White"?
So now you Tories want a racist bastard as Mayor to replace Ken.
It makes no sense.
wrinkled weasel - fuck off, we dubunked that bollocks about GD being 'racist' a bloody long time ago.
If that is the best you can do you had better shut up. This is the man that was director-general of the BBC and who made 'World In Action' films.
Like he is going to be racially prejudiced ? Imbecilic dicksplash !!
A century ! [applause] If only the England cricket team could do as well..
This one will run and run...
What are you making such a fuss about? You want Cameron and Osborne to become PM. And he's a Lib Dem (if anything), too.
I'm actually surprised that anything like this has taken so long. Expect to be told, at the last possible moment, that neither party is standing in marginal seats where it is in third place. It's the only way to get Labour out, don't you know? But not with a view to changing anything, of course. Just for the sake of it.
Well if we had a slim chance of winning London before today!!!!!? It just got slimmer. After this episode “THE BIG NAMES” will run the other way when they see us.
Sadly though all this has achieved is dwarf those hard working prospective candidates who are true conservatives and who voluntarily put themselves for the post. Maybe it is time for a reality check.
Another Polly Toynbee moment......
My view is that dropping a candidate for an 'anyone but Ken' candidate would allow Cameron to drop whichever of the current non credible no-hopers (no to be too harsh on the current contenders!) get through the open primary without having to be seen to make an embarrassing climb down.
Well anonymous 10.20.
I, and nobody else can discern who the "we" is in your comment because you decline to identify yourself.
Greg Dyke made his racist attack against people like me who are white. There is nothing wrong in being white or straight or male, but until people like Greg Dyke learn that we are entitled to the same level of respect as everyone else on this planet I shall continue to call him to account.
I doubt that you would allow someone to describe an organisation as "hideously" black or "hideously" gay or "hideously" Muslim.
Dyke has presided over a public corporation that has become an anti-Christian, anti-Conservative, anti-Semitic enclave that no longer presents news or current debate in a neutral manner.
No matter what your take on the Iraq War, the BBC pursued an agenda of bias against it, was complicit in the death of one of its sources and as a result, Greg Dyke had to resign.
Whatever he is, he is not a Conservative and what he represents is the face of Stalinist political correctness.
If you want white people taken off job shortlists, or placed at the bottom of housing queues, or forced to stand by as London becomes a refuge for all the fake asylum seekers then vote for him...because to Greg Dyke, we are "Hideous" and have now been made the scapegoats of the liberal elite.
"wrinkled weasel - fuck off, we dubunked that bollocks about GD being 'racist' a bloody long time ago."
No, you decided you had. When I responded to this point (pointing out that "hideously black" would never be used to describe an institution with a disproportionate number of black people in it) I received no reply.
Politics in the UK is getting more like Mike Reid's bloody Runaround every day. It would be a lot better if all the Liberal MP's got out of the Labour and Tory parties and went back to there own.
Why are they even considering entering an apple in a orange contest?
Drum rolllllllll........
What could be more inclusive than having a Tory dyke as mayor of London????
If this is true, I and many other patriotic nationalists (we haven't gone away you know) will smile and enjoy watching yet another death throe of the so called Conservative party
Madness, madness, they call it madness
Madness, madness, they call it madness
It's plain to see
That is what they mean to me
Madness, madness, they call it gladness, ha-ha
Madness, madness, they call it madness
Madness, madness, they call it madness
I'm about to explain
That someone is losing their brain
Madness, madness, I call it gladness, yee-ha-ha-ha
Propaganda ministers
Propaganda ministers
I've a-got a heavy due
I'm gonna walk all over you
Madness, madness, they call it madness
Well if this is madness
Then I know I'm filled with gladness
It's gonna be rougher
It's gonna be tougher
And I won't be the one who's gonna suffer
Oh no, I won't be the one who's gonna suffer
You are gonna be the one.....
Says it all really.
"Quite frankly the man is all over the place. The Tory Party should have nothing to do with him."
But the Tory Party is today also "all over the place". To even think about cooperating with Lib Dimmies, let alone consider letting someone like Dyke to represent your party - yikes!
Greg Dyke is no champion of liberty he is a spiteful little ex nulabour who when his little empire was under fire threw his toys out of the pram. Greg Dyke I think not. Mind you as a Labour supporter I use to vote Lib dum to keep the Tories out. I am beginning to think they are nearly as bad as the old nasty party.
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