If you are attending the Labour Party Conference today in Brighton, can I cordially extend an invitation to the Total Politics fringe meeting which is being held jointly with Henley Business School
Trust in Politics: How We Lost It & How to Get It Back
Tuesday 29 September, 6-8pm
Queens Hotel, Kings Road, Brighton
Refreshments provided
Sadiq Khan MP,
Prof Anthony Seldon,
Prof Chris Bones,
Yasmin Alibhai-Brown
Chaired by Iain Dale
All welcome
And please do visit the TotalPolitics Exhibition Stand in the Hewison Hall, where you will get the chance to win an ASUS Eee PC! And please be nice to Emily. She gets lonely at conferences, you know...
Tuesday 29 September, 6-8pm
Queens Hotel, Kings Road, Brighton
Refreshments provided
Sadiq Khan MP,
Prof Anthony Seldon,
Prof Chris Bones,
Yasmin Alibhai-Brown
Chaired by Iain Dale
All welcome
And please do visit the TotalPolitics Exhibition Stand in the Hewison Hall, where you will get the chance to win an ASUS Eee PC! And please be nice to Emily. She gets lonely at conferences, you know...
"Can Labour Win?"
Well the answer is most definitely "yes" - but maybe not until the year 2018 at the earliest*
* This estimate assumes they ditch the brand - since both 'Labour' and 'New Labour' are associated with financial incompetence.
I would love to go to the Labour Conference just for the hilarity of watching the repressive, corrupt Bar Stewards taking part in a piece of social history, namely, the Last Labour Conference ever, where the Labour Party are the Government.
Only 8 months to go ! :o)
And what can a dodgy Labour MP and a shrieking prat like YHB add to that debate?
Am I going to the Labour Conference????????......Dont be silly I`d rather poke me eyes out!!!
Labour Party Conference
Trust in Politics: How We Lost It & How to Get It Back
We didn't lose trust in politics per se; we have lost trust in a bunch of thieves, not only thieves but self rightous bigots who have rob and stolen our money and bankrupted the next two generations at least.
How can labour politicians regain our trust?
1) pay back all the money they've stolen
2) gaol those who have committed fraud (switching homes, claiming for none existant mortgages etc)
3) return to your homes and hang yourselves.
Then we can have a new batch of labour liars who may not be such obvious crooks.
Sadiq khan? Trust in politics? The clue is in the line up
"Can Labour Win"
How are you going to keep a straight face during that debate.
Go to the Labour confrence? Is this a joke? Go and listen to the likes of Brown, Milliband, Harman, Cooper, Balls and co? I would rather be dragged naked through a cactus farm!
My old English Master would go potty on seeing this blog entry, Iain. 'Can Labour Win?'. Win what exactly? The Lotto? Come to think of it, Labour do stand a better chance of winning The National Lottery. The odds are better.
The fact Sadiq Khan is in the line up destroys any credibility this particular event might have had.
"Are you going to The Labour Conference?"
I have just thought of something.
Will anyone admit, particularly amongst their work colleagues, that they are going to The Labour Conference? Think of the stigma, flack and dirty looks you'd get at work. Assuming, of course, you still have work colleagues to give you dirty looks. You would be as popular as Gordon Brown tonight. Indeed, it is not too late to cancel that "holiday" you've told all your work colleagues about. Tell them the travel company has gone bust, they will believe you. Think for a moment. You might be seen on the telly. You might even be interviewed for your local news paper. Think of the shame. Your neighbours will never talk to you again. Quick cancel now. You know it makes sense. That should do it - cue empty seats at Conference.
"Trust in Politics: How We Lost It & How to Get It Back"
1. How "They" lost it
2. Why have a meeting - just implement HMRC's standard policy on 'expenses' being wholly, necessarily & exclusively in connection with the business.
[That's the policy us taxpaying serfs have to abide by.]
3. Allow all miscreants to plead the "Technical Breach" excuse, when caught committing a crime.
"Can Labour Win?"
Is this really being put forward as a subject for debate?
Why on earth would you want to be in the same room as Ed Balls?
Still, just mention the words "Guido Fawkes" to him and he'll liven up.
Politicians and particularly our MPs would be held in higher regard if the had something worthwhile to do.
The answer is obvious. Give them the job they have traditionally been elected to do.
The solution is simple. Get us out of the EU and let them govern the independent sovereign nation we once were (without the Scots hopefully).
Why all the comments slagging Sadiq Khan?
What's he ever done wrong?
Come now Iain - Can Labour Win? Do not make us wait until Sunday evening for your answer - tell us now!It is the right thing to do.
Thanks :-)
If you are going to go into that Nest of Vipers, Iain, make sure you wash your hands thoroughly with anti-bacterial gel afterwards!
I too will find myself attending the Labour Party Conference this year in a work capacity. It will be very interesting to soak up the mood of the conference.
Will try and pop along :-)
WHY? we all know what it will be before it starts!, and I'm not very good at deciphering Scotch accents.
During the 80's....
Thatcher Thatcher Thcatcher!
Tories this Tories that!
Nations and REGIONS!
Racism Racism RACISM!
Saying Britain Britain BRITAIN a lot! (to avoid saying the "E" word and to try and stop people finding out the "British" Government misrules only England)
And finally, it would be a DISASTER if we were to leave the EU!
This ones true!
A DISASTER for Broon, McLabour and the EU that is!.
Go there? id rather eat a broken light bulb! an EU one with mercury in!.
For those unfortunate souls going, you may want to brush up on these lyrics.
New Labour's Communist Red Brigade
The people's flag is deepest red,
It shrouded oft our martyred dead,
And ere their limbs grew stiff and cold,
Their hearts' blood dyed its ev'ry fold.
Then raise the scarlet standard high.
Within its shade we'll live and die,
Though cowards flinch and traitors sneer,
We'll keep the red flag flying here.
Look 'round, the Frenchman loves its blaze,
The sturdy German chants its praise,
In Moscow's vaults its hymns are sung
Chicago swells the surging throng.
Then raise the scarlet standard high.
Within its shade we'll live and die,
Though cowards flinch and traitors sneer,
We'll keep the red flag flying here.
It waved above our infant might,
When all ahead seemed dark as night;
It witnessed many a deed and vow,
We must not change its colour now.
Then raise the scarlet standard high.
Within its shade we'll live and die,
Though cowards flinch and traitors sneer,
We'll keep the red flag flying here.
It well recalls the triumphs past,
It gives the hope of peace at last;
The banner bright, the symbol plain,
Of human right and human gain.
Then raise the scarlet standard high.
Within its shade we'll live and die,
Though cowards flinch and traitors sneer,
We'll keep the red flag flying here.
It suits today the weak and base,
Whose minds are fixed on pelf and place
To cringe before the rich man's frown,
And haul the sacred emblem down.
Then raise the scarlet standard high.
Within its shade we'll live and die,
Though cowards flinch and traitors sneer,
We'll keep the red flag flying here.
With heads uncovered swear we all
To bear it onward till we fall;
Come dungeons dark or gallows grim,
This song shall be our parting hymn.
Then raise the scarlet standard high.
Within its shade we'll live and die,
Though cowards flinch and traitors sneer,
We'll keep the red flag flying here.
I think Cameron has become a rattled person with his abuse of the government position.
The Tories left this country with a moribund industrial graveyard with high unemployment and high interest rates.
When Thatcher wrecked this economy with high unemployment of 3.75 million and prised open our economy to 'global economic forces'.
12 years of change - the Tories still promulgate the same morbid rhetoric of the British political system.
What possible use is 21st century Britain tackling this GLOBAL RECESSION with having an opposition leader who is so out of touch with the country...
Iain are you seriously saying that Cameron has the acumen to do that when he has voted against every official position the Government has taken.
By contrast this Labour government's policies have pulled this country out of an economic DEPRESSION. If we left the Conservative party at the helm of our country's economy we would be left with worse unemployment than ever before.
The Tories left this country with an industrial graveyard – with the electorate bordering anger and frustration.
Cameron has demonstrated that he is arrogantly out of touch with how the electorate feels.
Now I want to take this opportunity to take Cameron to account on his position on families. You arrogantly believe that Cameron speaks for families when he himself didn't believe in child tax credits to low income families... He didn't believe in support to low income groups.
The Tories left after 18 years of office an industrial graveyard - with a huge budget deficit but I notice that you never mention the Tories record in the 90s.
Who gave us one of the worst recessions and highest levels of foreign debt - The Tories during 18 years of their miserable governance.
The opposition leader can rabbit on as much as he likes about the Labour record but he is proclaiming his embarrasment about the lack of understanding of economics and his inability to forsee the policies this country needs to get out of recession.
The tories left an industrial graveyard in 1997...
We are still having to sort out the mess the Tories left.
Labour still has a chance of winning this election - it will be difficult but still have a chance.
To add to my comrades above the Tories would reward income to the high income earners with inheritance tax cuts for millionaires....
Who was it who voted against continued NHS spending and investment, Educational Maintenance Allowance (which Iain doesn't like), nationalization of Northern Rock (Iain said who couldn't care less if it was allowed to sink costing 1000s their homes and mortgages and plunged the economy into deeper recession), and also voted against the fiscal stimulus (Iain doesn't believe or agree in either - showing his lack of knowledge on economic theory).
I know what would have happened if we had followed the Tories policy prescriptions - we would be deeper in the sh*t.
Under the Tories this nation suffered damaged business and financial interests which is indicative of the damning record they left.
THE TORIES THE TORIES THE TORIES. Good God, the Labour spin machine is in full swing this evening.
"this Labour government's policies have pulled this country out of an economic DEPRESSION."
Impossible to tell unless we have a portal into a parallel dimension.
"Who gave us one of the worst recessions and highest levels of foreign debt"
As opposed to Gordo gifting us the worst recession and highest level of foreign debt.
"the policies this country needs to get out of recession"
You mean not flushing cash down the toilet on economic programmes that don't work?
"(Iain doesn't believe or agree in either - showing his lack of knowledge on economic theory)."
Theory =/= practice. Just ask Japan.
The only good Labour MP is an unemployed Labour MP.
There I was thinking the whole conference was a fringe......
How Liebour can win
1. Give the 5 million illegals already here the righyt to vote
2. Remove 10 million middle class voters from the electoral register
3. Give bin Laden asylum (that will shore up the Muslim vote)
4. Double the money the English give to the Scots.
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