Thursday, October 02, 2008

Questions for Nigel Farage

Later on this morning I will be interviewing Nigel Farage. What would you like me to ask him?


Anonymous said...

What would amount to progress for UKIP at next year's EC elections and if UKIP get fewer than 12 MEPs will he stand down as Leader?

Anonymous said...

Why is a MEP and why doesnt he become a candidate at a General Election

Anonymous said...

Why do you think Dave dithers so much on the Lisbon Treaty?

Anonymous said...

Nigel, do you believe that David Cameron could actually stop the ratification of Lisbon now if he simply pledged a referendum whether or not Lisbon has been ratified when the Tories (as it likely) come to power?

If so, what is Cameron up to by keeping quiet?

Anonymous said...

Do you share the view of many Conservatives that Cameron lacks basic beliefs other than winning and is in fact a closet europhile?

Anonymous said...

Ask him how closely related to ARCHIE ANDREWS he is.

Anonymous said...

What are his views on naughty little Ireland; fancy having a lower corparate tax rate and guaranteeing depositers bank funds and saying No to the Lisbon treaty!

As by far the most competant politician in the UKIP could he see the day when he joins the Conservative party; especially if DC gets the referendum on Lisbon and we in the UK say no?

Raedwald said...

Many Conservatives are thinking about voting tactically for UKIP in the June election. Your public persona rather than UKIP's manifesto lets people feel OK about doing this. Will you be able to credibly hold the party together for that long?

Anonymous said...

If UKIP at the next Euro elections retain their seats, in the Reichstag, will NF take some comfort that conservative voters are STILL sticking two fingers up at their 'preferred' party and their gutless stand on the EU?

Anonymous said...

How much are the EU/ Lib Dems/ Labour paying him and UKIP in general to keep down the number of Conservative seats?

If they are not paying his lot, why do they stand in mainly Tory seats and hence have this effect- more pro-EU people get elected. Is he thick?

Only 2 possibilities- they are really thick or they are a 3rd columnist party for the pro-EU lot. Which is it?

Anonymous said...

Will Nigel Farage tatically vote Tory at the next GE to keep Labour out and advised all his members/ supporters to do the same. I believe Cameron indicating a referendum on Lisbon should enable UKIP to vote Tory in the national interest.

Anonymous said...


Just what is the point of UKIP?
Give me one good reason to support you. You had a large number of MEP's after the last Euro Elections and you have not changed one thing at all! All you have done is line your own pockets- you have an official car- you enjoy all the trappings and have forgotten those that voted for you!

WHY should they support you again?

Anonymous said...


Are you a member of Common Purpose?

Anonymous said...

Why he's never seen in the same room as the Russian President?

BrianSJ said...

Is UKIP going to stand down for Libertas? UKIP - a good idea but the scandal and incompetence has killed it. Why not give Libertas a clear run at the Euro elections?

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't adopting a Norwegian model towards European integration (in but not really in) be a more credible policy and actually win some votes.

Anonymous said...

What has UKIP achieved in the European Parliament since getting 12 MEPs elected - apart from publicity stunts involving chicken suits and inflatable tanks.

Anonymous said...


Julian the Wonderhorse said...

Have Medvedev and Nigel ever been spotted in the same room together, or are they in fact the same person?

Tim Carpenter said...

Ask him what he thinks of Super Dave Cameron's blatant unthruths about Libertarianism in his conference speech.

Dave is no Libertarian. Honesty, at least on that one.

Anonymous said...

Which UK interests (that you could agree with) are served by our continued membership of the EU?

Anonymous said...

Why did Nigel Farage refuse to share a platform with Daniel Hannan at the Bruges Group fringe meeting?

Newmania said...

This is what I would say

David Cameron has moved into One Nation Conservative territory in many ways, but if you judge him by the standards of his Centre right predecessors , Heath say or Ken Clarke ,he is a conspicuously Euro Sceptic leader .He was burned early in his career by Europe and it is likely he shares many of your concerns . He has expressed that at the conference by promising a high profile for Lisbon and the referendum in the campaign
With Brown gloatingly playing the man of experience in the chaos he helped cause , the deal is less sealed than ever . There is a real prospect of a Labour Government. How can you possibly justify to your members, who loathe Brown as much as we do , helping the Labour Party by splitting the right .
We know UKIP members and we are not a different species its a matter of emphasis , we know that the Conservative Party is instinctively sympathetic ,we know the EU`s weakness is right now showing itself and that the word is becoming global. We know events are moving your way , our way , and pressure from within the Party can stiffen the Conservative back bone .

I put it to you Nigel Farrage that UKIP `s battle, with the Conservative Party is as won as much realistically it ever could be and that there is no further point to UKIP except the careers of the political careerists and luminaries for whom it is an amusing hobby. I further suggest that your egomaniacal lust for fame is endangering the country which cannot withstand a term of Union backed Brown spending dither and above all dishonest Euro–philia.

So it comes down to this . Do you want to save the country or get on Question Time ?

Wyrdtimes said...

English Parliament?

Anonymous said...

Which MP would you like to see become PM?

Anonymous said...

Now that Dave Cameron has promised to hold a referendum on the European Constitution and make all his MEP's sign up to a code of conduct. Why should I continue to vote UKIP in the European elections and not give my vote to its natural conservative home?

Anonymous said...

How will he celebrate winning every seat in June 2009 as the nation uses the election in lieu of the referendum nobody else will give us?

Anonymous said...

How can we as a Party defend ourselves effectively from David Cameron attempting to push his Party as the eurosceptic choice, particuarly as the Conservatives (I would have thought) are going to receive far more media coverage in the run-up to the election and are already seeking to dupe the public into believing they will grant them a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty (they won't if it has been ratified).

Anonymous said...

as the ukip are only elected by English people, ask him if they would consider being the English Independence Party?

Anonymous said...

Do you believe that nurses from overseas (such as the Phillipines and Africa) should be allowed to work in our health care system.

If not how would you meet the shortages

Anonymous said...

what is the policy differences between the BNP and UKIP

Anonymous said...

Would you allow Polish workers to make renovations to your house

if they were cheaper than local builders

Old Holborn said...

Ask him if he believes, like you, that Dave will hold a referendum EVEN IF THE IRISH ARE FORCED TO VOTE YES.

I don't. Dave didn't say he would yesterday, Hague didn't say they would on R4.

Anonymous said...

Ask him if he's ever considered defecting to the Conservatives.

Anonymous said...

Would you be happy adopting the policies of the UK Libertarian Party?

Anonymous said...

What are your policies for local government?

Anonymous said...

What are you doing here?

Gordon Brown said...

have you ever considered using some hair gel?

Anonymous said...

Where did he buy the clown's mask from?

Anonymous said...

Why UKIP did so well in Hartlepool in '04 and in Bromley in '06 and yet so badly at other elections - Crewe for example.

Anonymous said...

Ask him UKIP's views on the banking crisis - specifically what he thinks about the Irish guaranteeing 100% of all bank accounts. Money now flowing out of the UK across the Irish sea risks destabilising the UK finance system even further .... How would UK Independence help in tricky negotiations like this? It doesnt.

Anonymous said...

Are you Mevdeved twin brother?

Anonymous said...

Did he see Dispaches last night?
And what would he now do if he were Dave?

Mulligan said...

Ask him why instead of attacking the Labour party, who were responsible for the Lisbon Treaty betrayal (with a big assist from the LibDems), his policy at next election will be to try and split the Conservative vote and keep Labour in?

What sort of strategy is this? The only party who might (albeit a big might) ever be in a position, and have will, to stop the EU snowball is the Tories... so the only purpose UKIP is actually performing is helping keep the true EUSSRophile parties in seats. Bizarre.

Anonymous said...

Ask him what planet he's on. Or from.

Twig said...

Do you consider it to be an act of treason to ratify the Lisbon Treaty without a referendum?

Anonymous said...

Will the Tories stand down for Libertas as they both believe in staying in the EU and think it can somehow be magically 'reformed'?
By sharing this particular viewpoint will Libertas be damaging the Tories in the European elections if they stand in the U.K.?

Anonymous said...

What happens when he stops taking his medication?

Scully said...

What made UKIP's only councillor in London (Sutton) leave the party to become an Independent over the summer after less than a year?

Anonymous said...

How can they call themselves UKIP when the Scots will leave the UK before they leave the EU?

Isn't a party supposed to be what it says on the tin?

Why aren't they called the English Independence Party or perhaps the "half in, half out" UK party?

Devil's Kitchen said...


"Is UKIP going to stand down for Libertas? UKIP - a good idea but the scandal and incompetence has killed it. Why not give Libertas a clear run at the Euro elections?"

Because Libertas are not anti-EU; they are pro-EU but against the Lisbon Treaty.

If you cannot see the distinction, may I suggest that you refrain from commenting?